36. Unknown Faces 💫

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Chapter 36 💛

So yea this chapter is the second to last i'm going to explain the rest in the next (last) chapter 😘.

"I'm fucking sweating." I rub my armpits as causally as I possibly can while staring next to Adonis. I've been introduced to so many important people, my poor little brain can't remember anyone's name.

"Baby, you're doing great and I love you. Now let me go introduce you-."

"Nope," I raise my hands up in defeat, officially annoying my surrender, "I need to find Niya, she's been here for 30 minutes. And you need to go meet people that are too important for me."

I walk away before I hear his protest and frantically look around for Niya.

This place is huge, but gorgeous. I'm not surprised though, I wouldn't expect anything less from Adonis. When he does something big he makes sure to go all out.

I'm pretty sure I've walked to this same bar three times now.

I decide to at the bar and and get a drink. I sit on the stool and try to get the bartenders attention. "Hi. Can I get a water please." The bartender stares at me with a confused expression but starts to make his way to get my order anyways, until-

"Actually she'll take a... Long Island Ice Tea, seems like the perfect fit for her." Chad stands next to me, dressed in a light grey suit, and a fat ass grin on his face.

"What are you doing here? I'm pretty sure I can order my own drink."

"Why are you being so defensive, calm down pretty girl."

"Well for one you tried to kidnap me, remember that? Also, don't call me pretty."

"That wasn't a REAL kidnapping. We just needed to see how far he'd go to protect you, don't ask why because I won't tell." He smirks at me and puts a his index finger up to his lips in a "shushing" like manor. The drink he's ordered gets set in front of me.

"I thought I asked for a water. And you," I turn back to Chad, poking a finger in his chest, "need to get away from me before I get Adonis. You shouldn't even be here, you weirdo." I try to hop off the tall stool but trip on my long dress.

Damn you, beautiful dress!

Chad catches me, but his smile is no longer painted on his chiseled face as I look up to it. He leans down to my ear as I'm still in his grip, "Be careful gorgeous. Wouldn't want to get hurt because of your nasty attitude, would we now?"

He puts me on my feet and walks away, disappearing into the many unknown faces of the crowd. I stand there with my mouth open slightly, fear rising inside of my gut. That reunion left a bad taste in my mouth and I don't like it.

I get back in the stool to drink the drink since it was already here and the bartender went through the trouble of making it.

"Elena?" A familiar voice calls my name as I sip the drink.

I turn around so fast that I could've gave myself whiplash, "Niya!" I get off, successfully, and hug her so tight.

"I missed you. Like a lot. Like hella!" She tightens her grip around me and I do the same. I hear sniffles and know that this little break up must of hit her dip if she crying.

"I missed you too. But you're killing my insides."

"Ok, your point?"

And she's back.

We eventually stopped hugging and have sat down to talk to each other. It's only been months but in bestfriend time, that's almost years.

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