10. Color💫

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Hey love bugs 💛

It's literally the highlight of my day and updates. Because y'all be soooo funny and it just makes me happy 😊 but enjoy reading!


Ok so I've been here at the mall with Adonis for way too damn long. Literally everything I pick up is "Cute but too revealing," or "Do you work at a church." He's so confusing.

We're been walking around Forever 21 now and I haven't really found anything I like yet. I don't even know what kind of party it is, he didn't give me any details just came and scooped me up.

I couldn't say I was mad because it felt good to be getting spoiled even if it's just one dress. I finally pick up a BOMB dress.

And of course...

"No put that back, definitely not." Adonis has a threatening ass look on his face.

"But Adonisssss." I drag out his name hoping that'd work but he's more stubborn than me.

"No Elena. I will have to fight every single person that's looks at you tomorrow."

"You've said no to everything so far and I just want to eat." I sigh heavily and pout.

"You have to nice of a body for that. If you looked something like her," he points to the skinny mannequin in the window, "then MAYBE I'd let you but you don't so no."

Alright it's time to bring out my big guns. I pout a little harder and give him the puppy eyes. "Please."

"Ugh, you really want me to get arrested. Fine let's get it."

I do a little squeal because I can get the dress and now I know his weakness. I run to the shoe section to find some matching heels. I grab a couple of accessories and pay. Well he pays.

We walk to the food court and sit down to wait for the food we order. I instantly get hit with sadness from remembering the last time I were here, that asshole was here also; almost running my perfect day.


After the mall, we went to his house because he had to get "something" so here I am again, sitting in this grey house but under different circumstances.

He walks down the stairs and sits next to me on the couch.

"Your house could use some color. It looks like someone died in here." I sit criss-cross applesauce on the couch and face him watching him chuckle.

"I like these colors, it suits me. Plain but expensive looking." We both laugh and it goes silent for a minute. We finally get out of the daze we were in and he clears his throat while reaching for the remote.

He turns on the t.v and we just sit there, watching a movie together. Of course I knew he didn't need to get anything, he just wanted to spend time together and he was too afraid to ask. He lays down and pats his chest, signaling me to lay down on it.

Not going to lie, I'm scared to go to this party. I only met one of his friends so how do I know if I puke trust them or if they're going to even like me. I know I shouldn't care cause it's not like I'm meeting his parents, but friends are still important to have in life.

What if they're low key racist, I don't have time for that shit in my life. Lashawn beat me up enough about that. Yup he's blacker than the color and still bullied me about my caramel complexion because I wasn't white enough.

I just don't understand the point of dating me if I wasn't what he wanted. If I never gave him what he wanted. And what pisses me off more is that he can always be brought into my mind no matter what I think about or who I think about.

Even after the relationship and him not being here, he still has ways to poison my mind and well being. This is why I think I won't be able to do this... whatever we have going on here isn't going to work for me. I get up off of him and just sit.

"What's wrong, why are you crying, is it the movie?" I wipe my eyes not even knowing I was crying, we were watching Anastasia.

"No it's not the movie." I chuckle and keep wiping my eyes until he gets up and starts to wipe the tears for me.

"Hey if you don't want to go to the party we don't have to. Just tell me whats wrong." His voice is filled with concern and I just don't understand why. Why does he care so much about me when he a full blown playa.

"You just want me to say I don't want to go because of the dress." I smile and chuckle again.

"You got me there."



She stopped crying after the little jokes we were sharing back and forth and I feel better. But I still don't understand why she was crying, hopping it wasn't because of me I lay back down and pull her to lay on top of me.

We continue to watching the movie and before I know it, she was lightly snoring and I was drifting off to sleep.


Waking up to your phone blowing up with messages and calls is not the move. I wake up and turn my ringer off, not caring who was interrupting our rest, and tried to go back to sleep.

"Your not going to answer that?"

I open my eyes to see her beautiful brown ones looking up at me with curiosity. The sun doing great things to her skin.

I groan and decided to unlock my phone, notice the calls and messages were from my parents. I shoot up and immediately calm them back, knowing I'm going to get an earful of yelling and "What bimbo are you doing now?"

"What bimbo are you doing to the point you can't roll off of her and answer the damn phone." Didn't I tell you.

"Mo-, mom if you-, ok let me expl-." Every word I say is interrupted by more yelling and anger. I patiently wait for her rage to die down which took longer than I expected.

"Ok mom, if you let me speak I can explain."

"Ok I'm waiting." I can visualize her hands on her hip and her foot taping.

"I didn't have any bimbo over, I was just sleep, I had a busy night and slept in." She knows I'm lying but I guess she didn't feel like fighting me on it.

"Right. Well we'll still be visiting soon and I just wanted to confirm before I ordered the ticket."

"Oh shit."

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