4. Hesitation💫

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Chapter 4 bbs! 💛 this chapter is pretty short, but the next one is going to be a decent size I promise 🤞🏽


We made it to my condo around 10 minutes ago and I already want her to leave. Sabrina has been sitting at the breakfast bar as I'm grabbing us glasses of water, watching ever little move I make.

As soon as we came in she complained about how thirsty she is. So I'm grabbing her some water, of course I knew what she meant but I just can't seem to do it.

"Thanks I guess." She grabs the water and places it down on the bar, obviously annoyed.

"Yeah, you're welcome." Sipping my h2o with no care for her mini attitude towards me.  She walks to the love seat in my living room, places her bad on the end table and sits down. My living room matched the rest of my house, the only colors that I used were black, grey, and white.

"So are we going to start or are you just going to keep sipping you're water?"

I walk over to, putting my drink by her purse and sitting down next to her. She wastes no time jumping onto my lap and taking off my shirt, rubbing her hands down my 6 pac. I just keep picturing Elena's hands rubbing me down.

She slowly works her way down to my big friend. I don't mean to brag but- wait, actually, yes I do. Snapping out of my daydream of the brown beauty and remembering I'm with Sabrina, I grab her hands suddenly. She gives me this confused look and I just sit there confused too.

Am I hesitating?

For what?

I let go, and nod for her to keep going. She gets off and gets on her knees by the edge of the couch, in between my legs. She uncle buckles my pants and takes my fiend out. Before she can even place one lick I move her head away,  stand up, and fix myself.

She just sat there stunned.

I would be too, I'm just as confused as her.

"Yeah you should leave, it's not happening tonight or ever." Whispering that last part to myself.

She gets up, with her purse and my cup in her hand. I already know what's going to happen so I prepare myself.


Yup called it, the water I was drinking is now on me like a second skin.

"Thanks! For waisting my time here tonight."

"Yeah whatever. See you're self out." I walk up stairs to my room to get ready for this shower, hearing the door slam midway up.



Why is there so much sun in my room right now. Finally waking up from my beauty rest I get up out of bed.

Wow I actually got up quicker than I thought it'd take me.

I walk to my kitchen and prepare to make me breakfast. I guess my day out yesterday has brought "me" back until some of it was ripped away when we ran into Lashawn.

But I'm done just having him bring me down like he used too. Looking back at our relationship, I notice it wasn't healthy for me at all. He abused me emotionally and mentally. Before I could sink deeper into this thought, there's a knock at my door. I look over at the clock on my stove and see it's 6 a.m.

Who the hell is awake right now and knocking on my door.

"Elena if you don't open up this door."of course it had to be Niya. I go to my door and open it. Before I can even tell her to come in, she does it herself, walking right past me. "Girl anymore time out there I would've knocked on that girls door and greeted her with an uppercut."

I laugh, caught off guard by her being this hype in the morning. But then again it's Niya what else would you expect. "No don't do that, there's no need. Karma has my back."

Walking to my wood dinning table we both sit down and the whole time we have been sitting here, she's just been smiling at me.

"Stop, you're making me uncomfortable. What do you want to borrow from me this time?" I glare at her.

"I'm just so happy your up and out of bed and there's light in this apartment and you're laughing." I'm smiling too now. "I thought you'd be sleep and I was going to have to ram into the door like those movies. Would've broken my shoulder but it would be worth it."

We instantly get up simultaneously to hug each other.

"I'm just glad my bestfriend is back, those two weeks felt horrible without you and your brightness."

We let go and sit back down before we get all sappy from the sweetness. We catch up on how her morning has been "hectic" and how she swears that the doorman was checking her out. Once again it just felt like nothing changed at all.

"So whats the plan for today."

"Well I was thinking we could go out to brunch, and maybe the club tonight." She has this big ass mischievous look and I don't like it.

"What do you have planned." I point my fork at her with a piece of pancake on it, knowing she's up to something.

"Nothing at all, for real, but there's this club called 'Puck' it's supposed to be THE hot spot. I'm trying to get laid and you need a night out so I thought, why not ya know."

Her bluntness scares me sometimes.

"Hmm we'll see how I feel after I get some more food in my belly."

I go get ready for our day out and notice my phone is beeping again.

Adonis- Hey I've been thinking about you.

Why is he so persistent with me.

Me- Have you now? We only talked for one second.

Adonis- Best second of my life😁 we could've talked for more but someone didn't want to go out 👀

I cant help but laugh.

Damn, he's making me laugh.

I hear a yell from Niya, "ARE YOU TALKING TO YOURSELF UP THERE?!" Let me hurry up and get ready before she calls a priest on me.

I put on a white, lettuce trim, off the shoulder crop top. Can you see that I'm having a shoulder phase. I put on a light pink mini skirt and some Damn Daniel vans.

Walking out of my room with my phone in my hand, continuing to text Adonis. I already know I have a big ass grin on my face because as soon as I get by the door I feel Aniya's eyes on me like a hawk.

"Are we going to go get food or are you just going to keep looking at me like that."

"Keep looking at you like this. Who are you texting?" She already knows.

"My mom now let's go eat." We both walk out laughing, ready to eat our lives away.

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