8. Ducks💫

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Back at it again with chapter 8 💛


~ 2 weeks later ~

Adonis and I have been hanging out a lot lately, almost everyday. I never thought I'd have so much fun with one person that wasn't Niya.

Speaking of Niya, her and Tony are doing good. I don't know if it's serious but they seem happy and that's all that matters. No us on the other hand, I don't really know where this is going.

This is out of the "you're just a rebound" area right? It feels like it. I don't know if we're a thing or are we just friends? And I don't know if I trust him, he's a hoe.

But we just got done having dinner at cute diner, I told him to stop taking me to expensive places all the time.

He drove us to a near by park. He wouldn't let me pay a penny, which I guess is good but I just feel bad. We're sitting on bench with little graffiti, very close together by a pond filled with ducks and children feeding them.

The sun starts to set, making the scene seem more dreamy and romantic than it probably is.

I'm nervous. And I feel like I'm just going to say something very stupid that I don't mean.

"It's gorgeous here, isn't it?" He looks at me with a nice smile.

"I bet you take all the girls here." Well that didn't take long. I mentally face palm myself, I can never just let a good moment be good.

He just laughs.

Has he gone crazy?

He places his arm around my shoulder, "Actually, the farthest me and a girl ever go is bed. So no I don't take any girls here," he stands up and walks over to the pond looking down, "this is my 'quiet place.'" He makes air quotations around "quiet place."

After a moment of silence I stand up and walk over forwards him, "I can see why, it is very gorgeous here." Some more moments of silence pass until he turns and faces me. I do the same.

My breathing hitches as we both stare at each other. The reflection of water in his eyes. We both stand there  speechless until he leans in and we kiss. I want to pull away, but a force stronger than me isn't letting me.

We finally get a hold of our selves and pull away after a small child yells, "Ew cooties!" And runs by.

He leans his forehead against mine and whispers, "You don't know how bad I've been wanting that." I do a light chuckle and we stay like that for what feels like an eternity.


After the whole kiss incident, he took me home and I've been siting on this couch still stunned by today. And it was only 7 p.m.

I already know dNiya is going to be wondering what happened and all the details since she knew we were going out for dinner. We have that relationship were we tell each other everything.

I just feel like this isn't going to end well, like something is going to go wrong and it most likely will be me. I say whatever comes into my mind before thinking about it.

And what if we do get serious? Is he just going to eventually grow tired of me and leave, or cheat on me. I've had too many failed relationships to get deep in this "thing."

I head to my bathroom and gather all my things for a shower, my thinking place. I put on my shower playlist and just stand under the hot water thinking about life and other stuff.

Damn, I need to start looking for a job. And a car.

I should get laser hair removal.

An ice cream sandwich sounds great right now.

I get out of the shower on that last thought, excited now for an ice cream sandwich. I get dressed quickly, throwing on some sweats and a regular shirt calling Niya to take me and spend some time after.

Waiting on her, imma not want the damn sandwich anymore.

That was a lie, I'm still going to want it. I hear a bang at my door, knowing that was her. I walk out of my house and walk to the elevator to go down. Before we go down, guess who the fuck walked out of my neighbors door looking all tow up.

Yup, Lashawn.

Bandages all over his face still. My man Adonis did that.

Wait did I just call him my man? Ignore that last thing. We rush inside the elevator before he could get in, it was pointless because he stopped it from closing with his hand.

He's in trouble, not only is it me in here, but Niya is here. She already wants to beat them to pieces. My phone dings and it's a text from Niya.

Niya💞- if this little dick boy says a word or so much as breathes, it's going down like that video with Jay-Z and Solange. Dead ass

I cant help but laugh out with that text. I look over at her and see a resting bitch face, but a slight smile. She trying not to laugh so hard. The whole time he's just stealing glances.

We get to the bottom and all get off. We get off faster, mostly me rushing Niya off before she punches him in the throat.


After the supermarket spree for ice cream sandwiches and extra stuff I didn't walk in there for, we decided to chill in the living room and watch some movies together.

Another thing I missed that we always did together. I know it's been a good month or so and some would say I should be over him. I am, it's just difficult seeing him everyday almost with the girl he cheated on me with during our relationship of a good amount of years.

He just threw that all away for some skinny, blonde, chick with fake lips and a fake mind. I slam my bag of chips on the table, pissed at him and myself for dragging this idea on longer than it should've been.

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