31. Them Sick Feels💫

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Chapter 31 is hereee💛


"No I don't want it." I turn my head away from the spoon of medicine Elena was trying to shove in my mouth,  sitting close to my legs.

"You have to take it or you won't feel better, don't you want to get over this cold?" She teases the spoon around my mouth, hoping for me to accept.

"I'd rather stay sick forever than drink that poison on a spoon."

She huffs, "You're such a big baby, take the damn medicine so you can eat you're soup," She raises the spoon in the air and starts imitating plane noises like that'll help, "permission to land."

"I like the trains better."

Her face changes to a scowl and she backs the spoon away, then starts moving forward but making train noises and "Choo choos."

I take the medicine and immediately regret it right after.

"I'm dying." I graph my heart.

"Stop being dramatic, now I'm going to go get you're food so don't go anywhere." She hops off the bed,  kisses my cheek, and disappears into the hallway.

"CAN I HAVE SOME TEA PLEASE!" I scream into the hallway.


I wake up from the nap I just took, glancing over and see there's soup and tea on my nightstand. Suddenly feeling something heavy on top of my stomach. Looking over to see she was cuddling with me.

"Babe." I nudge her head, and nudge it harder when I get no response.


"You're gonna get sick if you keep being by me all day." It's silent but she speaks up as soon as I'm about to nudge her again.

"You sound like you feel better so you'll just have to take care of me." She moves closer into my body, placing her head underneath my neck.


"OK MOM!... Yes she's still here...I'm hanging up." I pace around our room with the phone pressed against my ear, using my shoulder while I was flipping through the numbers from Corporate.

"Yes I have them in my hand right now, and it would be sooo nice if I was able to focus on these. But nope, I'm listening to my mother ramble about a girl who isn't going anywhere." Out of fustration, I throw the files I had on the bed and rub the bridge of my nose.

I take the phone away from my ear, coughing up a storm.

"Alright mom I have- NO SHES NOT POISONING ME! I caught a cold from Tony and she's been taking care of me." I hear the front door open and close, signifying that Elena is back from her work out.

I walk to the bedroom door and close it so she won't hear me screaming into the phone about how my mother feels about her.

"Mom I really have to go now alright." We exchange "I love yous" and hang up the phone.

"Goodness gracious." I breathe out lowly and make my way down stairs to see my baby that I haven't got to see all day.

I run down the creaky, dark wood stairs and make my way to the kitchen where I found her stuffing ice cream in her face. I chuckle as her happy expression changes to a "shit I'm caught."

"So the workout was good I'm guessing." I gesture to the big ass carton of ice cream.

"I felt I deserved a treat for all the sit-ups I did today."

I make my way over to her and slowly eat the rest of the ice cream that was on her spoon and looking in her eyes, making her fluster.

"I love teasing you." Her face changes to a frown, taking her spoon and carton of ice cream to our room and closing the door.

All I could do was laugh. She's so cute.

My phone rings, and Tony's FaceTime pops onto the screen, I answer it and see Destiny 2 on the screen.

"Bro are you down for a raid??!! Damian and the twins are already in here."

"Hell yea I'm down," I run over to the couch, sitting down and starting up the PS4. "But can we not do our normal 3 hour raids because I wanted to take Elena out tonig-."

"Yeah yeah. Join the mic party, so you can talk to these losers too."

It's been about a hour of us playing and I heart the stairs creak, seeing Elena out of the corner of my eye walking to the kitchen. I glimpse at her and have to do a double take.

She's wearing some yellow see-through lingerie that compliments her body and melanin amazingly. I stare at her and forget that I was even playing the stupid game until I die and the boy start yelling at me through the headphones.

"BRO! What are you doing, you're our last hope."

I turn my attention back to the game, "How about you guys shut the fuck up, thanks, love you."

I hear the stairs freak again and turn my head around so fast that I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash.

I watch her ass sway with each step, hypnotizing me with every step she takes. I swallow hard and go back to the game.

"Hey I'll catch you guys later."

"What the fuck Adonis we nee-."

Their voices cut off when I turn the game and tv off, running up the stairs faster than I ever did before, almost tripping on one.

Walking into the room I see her laid on her stomach, reading a book, still in that amazing lingerie, hugging each curve on her body in the best way.

I close the door and walk over to her; running my fingers down her back and placing my palm on one of her cheeks. Until she gets up and goes to the bathroom. I hurry up and take my clothes off, leaving my boxers on and wait under the covers for about 20 minutes

She finally comes out in one of my shirts and the lingerie panties underneath. "I love teasing you."

She walks over to the bed and lays down on her side, pressing her butt up against me, on purpose.

"Oh no, this is what we not finna do," pulling her on top of me so she's straddling me, "we both want it."

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