5. Fake ID's💫

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Chapter 5 lovelies! 💛


Tony and I have been siting at my house playing fortnite for some hours. I wouldn't say we're addicted, others would, but I wouldn't.

"Can we play, or are you too busy getting friend zoned by Pink Shirt."

Giving him a scowl as his answer, he starts laughing hysterically.

"You know you're hella mean to me. Learn to be nice or you'll be playing this by yourself."

"But I wouldn't get to see that pout face." He squishes my cheeks, obviously mocking me from our cafe date yesterday.

"Alright," I slap his hands off my cheeks, as I get an incoming message from Elena.

Elena👸🏽- Hey my friend is forcing me to ask if you would like to go out later tonight. To Puck some major club. And to bring you friend with the man bun.

Me- We'll be there.

"We're going out again tonight with Pink Shirt and look nice for once, she's bringing her friend."

"I always look nice thank you."


It's 7:20 p.m at the moment, we're supposed to meet them around 8. I'm at Tony's house, impatiently waiting for him to get dressed. He keeps bringing out joggers and loose shirts like this is an everyday chill spot.

"If you don't stop playing around and put some nice clothes on."

"Sorry I didn't know this was a business meeting. I'll go get my brief case." He gestures to my attire for the night.

I'm dressed in a white button up shirt and black dress pants with matching shoes.

"I'm sorry for looking decent, didn't know it was a crime."

"I didn't know looking comfy was a crime either."


After what felt like hours pointless banter about how to dress for the night, he settles on a grey shirt and blue washed jeans. It's better than what he tried to wear before that.

We just pulled up to Puck for the second night in a row. I park in my usual spot and start to walk forwards the front of the line; like I said, tipping big bills gives you a lot of perks here. I told Elena to text me when she was outside so she could just skip the line and come in.



It never donned on me, how the hell were we suppose to get into a club at the age of 18. They're going to reject us as soon as we get up there, and I didn't get this cute to get kicked out before even getting in.

I'm wearing a knee length red dress with a tiny slit by my thigh and some black heels with my hair up into a PUFF BALL. ( i hope y'all are happy now jeez)

"Niya how the hell are we going to get in. I don't know if you remember but we're not 21 yet."

"Honey you know my cousin Ray does fake ID's. It's pretty easy, I mean we look young but not like 15 young so we'll be good. Stop worrying about everything," we stop walking and she turns to face me and puts her hands on my shoulders, "we look too damn good to be worrying about ANYTHING tonight. We're going to walk in here and have fun."

I nod with a refreshing smile on my face.

No worrying, easier said than done.

"Now text your boo and tell him we're here."

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