32. Mrs. Lunatic 💫

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Yupp chapter 32 is here!💛

I just wanna thank everybody that voted on the last "part" all the positive feedback I received made me feel really loved lmao. But thank you fr 💛💛.  And a lot of you guys dropped some advice and knowledge for me which also helped me with my decision and as a future reference so thank you for that also. NOWOWOWO onto the book.

Oh yea sorry that i'm uploading so late, my birthday was like last weekend so i've been busy all week and weekend. This chapter is also kind of short which I apologize for, I want them shopping scene to happen next chapter and then the banquet the chapter after that.


School has been hectic with assignments up to my sleeve, Adonis has been busy with the business and being prepared for when the company is handed over to him which is in a couple of weeks and it's a huge deal.

They're having a big banquet where they will be donating to charities and auctioning off things. So because of this great, big, bash and me being busy with school; we haven't been able to see each other that much and we live in the same house.

I'm suppose to go with him, but I honestly don't know if I could see his mom again without having the urge to fight her.

"Hey girl." Niya's voice fills the room as I hear the door close behind her and she walks into our apartment. I forgot I gave her a spare key, just because.

"Heyy! I haven't been hearing from you, could it be because SOMEONE has been keeping you busy?" I wink at her and she walk over to me, slapping me on my arm.

She was wearing this cute grey pencil skirt and a white blouse, holding her purse in hand. She must've just gotten off work.

"Actually... me and Tony aren't dating anymore and I thought you should be the first to know." A smile is on her face but I knew she was just forcing, so I'd believe she was ok.

"Wait what? What happened, you guys were doing good. Did he break up with you?"

"Nope, I broke up with him."

A silence fills the air, "Why..?"

"Because he wanted to meet my parents, ok? It was getting too serious."

"Wait you broke up with him because he wanted to meet you're parents?! That's what normal couples do Niya!"

"Not me, I need to be focused on my job right now, I don't need someone to distract me."

"Do you even hear yourself right now? If you keep thinking like that you're just gonna be lonely."

Her face changes and I knew I shouldn't have said that.

"You get one boyfriend that's good and think you're set for life, and that he's gonna love you till 'forever' think that you're greater than me-."

"That not true and you know it."

"Oh save it," her hand flares around in the air, telling me to shut up, "you don't speak to me anymore. He's going to get bored with you, and you'll notice that I was right all along. But for now, you two deserve each other. You're both sad souls who don't have anything going for them."

And with that she struts out and I stand there, speechless.

Did I just loose my bestfriend? But if she can't be happy for me then maybe she wasn't my bestfriend to begin with.


Walking out that apartment without apologizing was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, my ego had got the best of me. Walking down the busy and loud street of New York gave me time to think of what I just did.

Was I jealous of him? For stealing the love of my bestfriend away from me. I was so used to being the only one there for her, the only one she talked to and laughed with.

Or was I actually jealous of her. She was able to find a person to fall in love with at, such a young age, and being capable to love them back.

I mean, of course I loved Tony. But fear kept me in chains, and made me unable to love him more. Was something wrong with me? I stop in the middle of my path and fight with myself.

Do I turn back? I spin around, starting to walk back to Elena's.

But what if she doesn't want to speak to me. I am the one who popped off on her, the one who insulted her, the one who walked out.

I stop again.

What do I do.


I waited for her to maybe realize what she did and to come back so we both could exchange "I'm sorry" to each other and keep our friendship alive. Telling myself over and over that'd she'd come back, hoping she would. But she never did.

"So after my big speech I'm going to call you on stage so I could introduce you to the faces of the company. And since this will be recorded, we'll finally be public."

His face lights up as I stroke his hair, we were sitting on the couch and watching a movie while he was laying on my lap.

"Yes well, as long as I don't have to do a speech then I'm good."

"All you have to do is stand there and look beautiful like you always do."

"Sounds exciting..."

"That didn't sound very convincing," He lifts his body up, "what's wrong?"

He rubs my leg while leaning on the couch with with his other arm.

"What if no one likes me, and your mom? Everyone knows she's out for me. Your dad seems to be the only friend I'll have there, besides you. You'll both be busy."

"So you're scared that you'll have to mingle with people, such a hard thing for you to do."

"Shut up." Pushing his hand off my thigh and making my way to the kitchen.

"Also, my mom wants to take you to go shopping for the banquet tomorrow."

"You're just telling me this now. Does she not trust me to buy something nice."

He walks over to the breakfast, handing me the cups we were drinking out of. "No I actually thinks she wants to bond with you."

I laugh loudly and notice his face not doing the same, "Oh you're serious."

I grab the cups from him and put them into the sink with the other dishes we had used that night. I guess I'll have to spend some time with Mrs. Lunatic especially since Niya was going to help me find a dress for the ball.

He shakes his head at me and finishes his lecture, "She likes you, she would've already threatened you if she didn't."

"Doesn't feel like it."

"Oh well if she doesn't like you, I know I do." He try's to cheer me up which only works for a split second.

"Thanks babe," mustering up a smile to cover up how I really felt, "means a lot."

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