16. Shlong Appointment?💫

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Heyy my love muffins here's chapter 16 💛

This one is short because 👀😬


I wake up to the sun creeping through the cracks of my blinds and birds chirping. I roll over really fast to check the clock reading 4 p.m. I lay back in my bed and stare at the ceiling, last night sleeping through my memory.

Realization finally sinks in and I notice that Lashawn could've done anything to me if Adonis didn't step in. Why is it that I never saw how broken he was? You would think I'd figure it out since I dated him for years but I never really figured it out until last night.

I sit up and clench the sheets to my chest, afraid I was going to cry. I promised not to cry over him anymore but when you face a danger like that in person, it just keeps you on edge.

Before I start to tear up I remember Adonis again, and how he probably saved my life. And how hot he was stepping in like my super hero.

I run my finger against my lips thinking about him, instantly becoming too hot to focus. I get up to take a shower to cool down my raging hormones that we're becoming too much to bother.

I wrap my hair in my satin scarf and bonnet while searching though my draw for some underwear and a regular shirt. I grab my towels and Dove body soap, turning on the hot water.

I don't know how people can take cold showers, it's all about that heat. If all the mirrors in your house don't steam up, is it really a shower? I get my playlist ready for the shower and start singing my heart out.

After a good 20 minutes of me performing in the shower, my phone turns down and I already know why.

Someone's calling and interrupting me and my fans.

I jump out, almost slipping and bussing my shit. I pick up without seeing the caller ID, surprised at the person on the other end.

"Why are you breathing so hard." Adonis asks in his infamous sleepy voice, he must've just woken up. I mentally answer in my head, because I almost just fell and I was just getting turned on by you not more than 30 mins ago.

"I just got out of the shower so..." I slowly drown out the ""so" and wait for him to respond.

"What are you going to wear." He almost whispers into the phone and I just stand there. I'm pretty sure I'm breathing even more heavily now.

I lowly clear my throat, starting to feel like my throat was dry.

"Um Adonis-."

"What happened to calling me Doni? I liked it, a lot."

For a hot minute we were just on the phone, silence filled with out audible breathing, I grab the counter and try to regain my balance. It felt as if I couldn't breathe, like lust was clogging my throat.

"I'm coming over." Is the final words he spoke when he hung up the phone. Did I just low key make a shlong appointment? I start running around, cleaning my room, reshaving areas, making my bed up and lighting some candles. I put on some cute, matching bra and underwear with a short pajama set over it.

I sit down on my couch and put on a random movie, waiting for the knock at my door that will open my gates. Yes I was a virgin which is probably one of the many reasons Lashawn and every guy after left me. I was just never ready or maybe I wasn't ready with them.



I'm on my way over to Elena's house, not sure what I was feeling but I woke up dreaming about her under me. Especially after dropping her off at home last night, her dress caressing her every curve and showing off her great features.

I speed a little pass the light that just turned red and keep going. I look at my watch, checking the time. 5:10 p.m. I finally reach her apartments and walk up to her door, not hesitating to knock on it. If I already didn't know her boyfriend was dumb, then I really do now.

She opens the door in these really cute pajama shorts and a anxious look on her face. Has she been waiting on this as long as I have? I'm pretty sure she notices me undressing her with my eyes, because she squirms under my gaze.

Without wasting anytime, she pulls me in, kissing me passionately; and instinctively, I pull her up against my waist and carry her to her room. Laying her down gently on the bed, and we finally let go of the lingering kiss, breathing heavily as we try to catch our breathes.

"Be gentle." Is the first word she pushes out against my lips.

"You're a virgin." I manage to get out while I'm still trying to catch my breathe. It's not a question but her silence confirms it. I speak again after what felt like a long ass time, "Are you sure you want this... with me?"

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