19. Suspense💫

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Hii my lovely flowers we're back with chapter 19💛

I really love y'all and your comments/messages💛 if I don't answer them fast it's probably because I'm writing or sleep or doing homework sooo I'm sorry 😘 but I'll get to them no matter what.


After we made it to the ridiculously expensive hotel, me and my dad head out for a brunch meeting between the two of us while my mom goes shopping with some other ladies they met last time they visited.

We get to the restaurant and wait for our seats to be ready. I must've done something cause my dad randomly asks,"Who is she?" With a stern look that is low key telling me "I dare you to lie and say nobody."

"Who is who." I play dumb, hoping I'd work.

But it didn't.

"Son, you can't lie to me. I'm you father, I know when something is on your mind. And the way you constantly check your phone ever two seconds, means it's someONE on your mind." I sit there and realize that I have been checking my phone for a sign of her and haven't received it yet.

"Actually that's what we need to talk about."

We've ordered our food once we got to the table and we talk about businesses to possibly invest in and what I plan to change or do when the company is in my hand. Blah blah blah, same old same old. But then I bring up the topic I've been wanting to discuss with him.

"I think Chad is up to something." I blurt out after my sip of water.

"Which ones Chad, the dumb one?"

I nod my head as my response, "At this one party he set me up to kiss Jessica, but I still don't know why. After Elena found us they even said 'this was a set up, get out now.'"

"Who's Elena?"

"Dad are you even listening to me." I push my food around on my plate trying to ignore his question.

"Stop playing with your food,"I place the fork to the side of the dish, "yes I'm listening to you. I just wanted all the details." I ignore that request also and keep on ranting.

"I'm pretty sure whatever is going on with Chad, this other dick named Lashawn has something to do with it. Everywhere I go he's there, and he's been following Elena around to."

"So they're both connected to this girl name Elena. Well I'll do some digging on them because OBVIOUSLY she means something to you."

I roll my eyes and tell him the names again so he can write them down on the napkin.

"Now can we finish eating." I pick up a piece of steak and eat it.

"Ok but you're telling me about this girl soon."


I dropped my dad back, the whole time he was just bugging me to tell him about Elena. But I didn't know what to refer her as, she meant something to me but was she my girlfriend? How do you even ask someone out? Is it like a big deal type of thing or is it small and you just blurt it out?

I sit on my couch at home with these questions piled inside of my head. I remember when I use to shiver and get hives at the word girlfriend, pretty sure I was allergic to it. I've only been home for 10 minutes and I've checked my phone at least 20 times, still no sign of her.

I pace around the room some more until I can't take the suspense and I text her.

Me- hey Lena

Me- Lena what did I do now

She doesn't respond to any of my texts and any of them after. I grab my keys and make my way over to her house, speeding down the street while thinking of every possible scenario I can.

What if aliens captured her, or dragons burned down her house. I facepalm myself and keep driving to distract myself from the stupid shit I just said.

I finally get to her apartments and knock like a billion times, she must not be home. I sit on the curb and think about where she could be. Most likely with Niya.

I call up tony and ask him for Niya's address to check her apartments, also finding out that he hasn't heard from her either.

Somethings up.




"You really need to go grocery shopping." I yell from the kitchen all the way into Niya's living room. She had came to pick me up about an hour after Adonis left to go wherever he had to. I was rummaging though her cabinets like she does mine but I don't find anything.

"Well I eat out cause I'm always working," She uses that excuses to eat McDonald's everyday, "well then lets go today."

"The best idea you've ever had." I grab my brown shoulder bag and walk to her car, waiting for her slow ass to unlock the door.

But she never comes.

A glass breaks inside which makes me settle on a thought that she's probably grabbing a snack to eat while she's driving. But then 10 minutes go by and walk up to the door, seeing one of her windows being smashed.

I start having a panic attack while trying to find her, which probably takes me 5 minutes to do but it felt longer. I see her body laying on the floor, unconscious, and I run up to it with the phone in my hand to get ready to dial 911.

But before I could press the last 1, a small voice speaks, "You're Elena right?" I turn around fast and it speaks again, I couldn't see who it was because they were wearing all black and a ski mask. The speak again, "I'm sorry for this."

And I feel powerful knock hitting me in the back of my head causing me to I pass out too, eyes slowly closing uncontrollably.

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