9. Party?💫

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Chapter 9? Yes ma'am 💛

~ btw I'm BEYOND SORRY I didn't post my normal three chapter yesterday, mainly because I had an essay to do and a project to finish. Yes I'm using excuses. But I'm back💛


It's been around a couple of days since the kiss at the park and I know she's overthinking it at this moment. It's one of her very few flaws.

But I can't really blame this all on her. It's mostly my fault, I'm overthinking this too. I probably shouldn't have kissed her and should've just stopped talking to her. But of course my pride is way too strong to let a girl reject me over and over again.

I probably just need a quickie and a blunt to get my mind off of things. My phone rings before I can confirm my plans for the rest of the day. It's from one of my closest friends


"Wassup bro, you still coming to that party tomorrow?" As he finishes his sentence,  knowledge of the party he invited me too comes back like a flash.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot about it. But yeah I'll still come. Is it fine if I bring some pluses."

"The more people the more the fun."

We talk some more about the party and other things before we hang up. Now I just have to invite Elena and Niya since Tony's already going. The easy part is the inviting, the hard part is having her accept and show up.

She's flaked on me a couple of times because "my bed is too comfortable and I'm allergic to sun," her exact words. She started running out of excuses and just started telling me that she's just too lazy.

I get up to make me a quick snack before I head out. I'm just going to go over her house and make her come with me. If just pick her up then she won't have time for an excuse.

But I want to take her shopping for tomorrow's party. I know girls love to get new outfits for everyday of the week and it'll be fun for us to get some alone time instead of double dating all the time.

She probably doesn't want to be alone with me because of the whole kiss incident, probably can't control herself around me. I smirk with that thought and a idea of her blushing and smiling because of me.

I finish my snack, grab my keys, and head out the door. I come outside to find my car with egg and yolk all over it and scratches on the doors. I literally just stand there for a cool minute ready to punch a whole in someone's face.

I walk up to my baby and run my hands along the scratches, getting more pissed. I just have a feeling it's that crazy bitch from about a month ago. I call the tow truck company and wait till the come so they could take it in to fix it.


I've been at the car dealership for some time now, still pissed from earlier. I asked the tow truck man to drop me off here before so I could buy a car for now. I decide to settle on a red 2018 Audi A7.

I drive off to Elena's house, stop pissed of course from my car. When I find out who did that is going to have to pay for more than the damages. This bitch really fucked up my car.

Before I know it I'm pulling up to her apartments. I walk into the building and went to the elevator, pressing the button to go to her floor. I knock on her door and wait for her to answer.

She finally opens the door after 10 minutes with bed head and a big shirt on and pajama shorts. I wish she didn't have those shorts on, they leave little to the imagination.

I stand in her doorway with my hands on my pockets, looking down on her, waiting for her to speak first and deny me of entry.

"Adonis? What are you doing here." She has this very sleepy voice that's make her look even more adorable. She rubs her eyes and motions for me to come in.

"Get ready sleepy head. I'm taking you shopping."

"For what? I don't need anything new." She has her hands on her hips already getting ready to start her attack. I've learned her defense mechanism, the first sign is her hands on her hips.

"We're going to a party tomorrow. I just figured you'd want something new."

"I don't need your handouts Donis."

Wow that nickname sounds so much better when she says it.

"It's not a handout I just want you to at least see if you like anything. You're going to look great in anything." I rub the back of my neck that I only do when I'm nervous.

I stop realizing what I was doing and sit by her breakfast bar, waiting for her to get ready. A good 10 minutes passes by and she finally finishes getting ready. She's wearing a yellow, daisy sundress and some white flats and a gold necklace.

Her melanin skin is glowing in that dress and it just makes her look even more stunning.

I really need to get laid because my feelings are getting the best of me.

And that's not ok.

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