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"Mom I'm here" You say faking an excited voice.

"Don't forget to take your medicine sweetie" Your mom said with an adoring tone.


"One pill every 6 hours, I get it mom. Bye I love you" You cutted off your mom nonchalantly while you rub patterns on the bag your currently holding.

Your fever was making you so apathetic which made you feel sorry for the attitude you showed your mom on the call.

You walk your way towards the apartment infront of you, it was well-bulit outside with the color of pale yellow and white making it pleasing to see.

You sigh as you knocked on the wooden door.

For how many times you knocked on the door, it wouldn't open which made you fussed.

You then decided to open the door yourself, the way your fingers slip on the cold metal doorknob gave you a little shiver.

All you saw is nothing but a filthy mess your so-called roommate made.

you suppose.

"Hello?" You spoke and no one replied other than your own echo.

Strange. You thought.

You finally made your way upstairs to your room being relieved by the fact you made it pass the mess he made.

Latterly, you went downstairs to find your roommate which you were lucky to not pass out considering the fact that you're having high ass fever.

While you were scanning through the place-you heard moans on the corridor which you saw a room with a largish creak of the door.

You tip-toe your way to the door and peeked inside making your eyes shot widely open.

You saw a boy jerking himself with his eyes closed, the way his long skinny fingers wrap around his long and thick throbbing member made you gulp-sadly you can only see a silhoutte of what the needy boy infront you was doing.

You had to stick your tongue back in the whole time while he does such an erotic thing to do.

The man infront you stopped when he heard your audible heavy breathings.

He saw you peeking through the creak so he hastliy pulled up his boxers making you run your way towards the room making thud noises on your way to the room.

You closed the door while you try to catch up with your breath, you then burried your face on soft feather-like pillow.

Your heart was pounding fast when he opened the door.

"Ummm may I know who you are and why you're here babygirl?" He says hearing an awkard tone in his deep raspy voice.


Sorry this was short but I promise to make a longer one tomorrow don't forget to vote ;) also follow me to get updated everytime I make a new chapter

ew ew ew literally so cringey

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