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A/N: We didn't reach it but who tf cares HAHAHAHAHA I decided to spoil you guys with a chapter

Taehyung kept calling you and texting you making him worried since you didn't answer in any of those.

Y/N 💓

: Where the fucking hell are you?
: Answer my calls you dipshít
: Pleaseeeee I am worried
: Stop making me worry you asshole
: You can't leave me like this
: C'monnnn answerrr!

106 missed calls from Taehyungieeee💘

I love you |
I love yo |
I love y |
I love |
I lov |
I lo |
I l |
I |

I keep telling her I love her but the question is does she really know that I truly do? Maybe she'll think that I am toying with her.
Why the fucking hell is it so hard for me? Why?!

Taehyung aggressively threw his phone on the floor causing the tempered glass to break luckily the real screen didn't.

The blonde haired boy pulled his own hair from fraustration.

I just letter her go like this is all a huge mistake, fuck.



You were scared to death not wanting to turn around.

"What are you doing here? It's late" his voice was filled with aghast.

This voice sound familiar you thought.

The person behind you slowly went closer to you 'causing you to smell its cologne.


You turned around seeing a red haired guy with a huge plastered smile on his face.

"U-umm hi hobi" You mentally cursed yourself from stutttering as you backed up since when you turned around you both were near to each other you could feel his warm breath which smelled like strong alcohol.

"You look drunk, aren't you drunk?" You asked tilting your head to the left with your eyebrows furrowed.

"Welp, unfortunately I am but I can still handle myself" he chuckles hugging you tightly making you gulp.

Should I be scared or happy?

Hoseok was your first crush in kindergarten you both used to be closed until the other 6 boys came to the same school causing you both to be apart.

"H-hobi I-I think-" He cutted you off placing a finger on your mouth.

"Shhhhh Y/N I- *hiccup* have something to *hiccup* tell you" he tried saying those in between his hiccups.

You slowly placed your arms on his back making you hugging him back.

"What is it?" you ask.

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