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Is the only word that is twirling in a never ending circle in taehyung's head.

Taehyung jumped around with his eyes still widely opened which made jungkook startled by every thud he hears.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS BABY? I'M GONNA BE A DAD!" He joyfully screamed.

You cooed seeing this sight of him just being purely happy.

He hugs you while you rest your chin on his shoulder. "I love you so m-much" he says with a unstable voice.

"I love you too tae"


Jungkook looks outside the window while he watches the snowflakes fall and disappear on the now snowy ground.

"Shit's freezing" He says putting his hand in contact with his arms and rubbing them to produce heat.

Jungkook will now stay at the mansion since he and taehyung agreed to.

He walks his way to his bed amd plops his body down on his soft bed wrapping himself with his fluffy cooky blanket.

He stares at the pastel blue ceiling thinking about what happened between jungkook and taehyung in their middle school days which always remained a secret between the two of them.

"So ummm" Jungkook says glancing at taehyung who is staring dearly at the moon and stars.

"Yeah?" Taehyungs asks looking at jungkook with his right eyebrow cocked.

"We've been talking and going out for the past 3 months and I was wondering i-if you'd wanna be m-my bo-boyfriend?" Jungkook mentally cursed himself for stuttering and because jungkook felt so embarrassed that is why he avoided eye-contact with him while he started to fiddle with his fingers.

"Yes jungkook, I would love to be your boyfriend" He says smiling showing off his gorgeous boxy smile.

Taehyung's answer made jungkook directly motioned his head looking towards taehyung.

Jungkook chuckled intertwining his hand with taehyung's.

"Come here, babe" Jungkook says pulling tae to sit infront of him while he backhugs him.

Taehyung just giggled on how quick he called him with a pet name.

Jungkook rests his chin on his boyfriend's shoulder while taehyung rested his head on jungkook's toned chest.

The couple who are sitting on top of the roof who are both selenophiles are staring at the sky appreciating how great this day turned out to the both of them.

Jungkook snapped back to reality when he heard Y/n knock on the door. "Kookie?" Jungkook quickly fixed himself before opening the door.

"What's up noona?" Jungkooks asks.smiling awkwardly while little bead of sweat formed.

"Not much but why are you sweating when it's cold as fuck outside?" You giggled.

"So um I was wondering if you could tell taehyung that I would be out to buy some matches and other stuff at a nearby grocery store when he wakes up?" You ask smiling at him hoping for him to say 'yes'.

"Of course noona" Jungkook says saluting at you playfully which results to him chuckling at his own crack culture.

You then went down stairs and hopped in the car as the driver droved away.

"That was close" Jungkook says in relief.

Jungkook walk his way to the bedroom where you and taehyung sleeps ; and the first thing he sees is a deep asleep taehyung hugging a 'hot-dog like' pillow and his fluffy blanket covering his body.

Jungkook smiled seeing him like this all cuddled up to a pillow and how he missed he was once his pillow.

Out of nowhere jungkook decided to sit at the edge of the bed and stare at how perfect his long dark lashes were out when he's asleep, how his lips form into a pout and how deep his snores sound.

Jungkook sighs as he standing up and going near to a wooden table where the TV was placed.

Nothing there was special just a bunch of pictures of you and your boyfriend but one thing caught his eye.

A moon keychain.

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock asking himself why taehyung still has it.

"Happy 1st anniversary babe!" Jungkook surprises his boyfriend with a date on the beach.

"Oh my god" Taehyung gasps covering his mouth and how perfect everything looked.

The moon was fully out shining bright, while the candles with roses that lead to their table looked so aesthetically pleasing ; and the way the waves sound like everytime comes to and end and last but definitely not the least the best part was jungkook is his date.

After they both ate their dinner jungkook cleared his throat gaining his boyfriend's attention.

"Here" Jungkook handed taehyung over a moon keychain because as I mentioned earlier they're both selenophiles.

Taehyung's eyes sparkled as he saw the moon keychain that jungkook handed him over.

The moon was gorgeously in the color purple which is known as the last color of the rainbow and means 'I will love and trust you for a long time'

The best part about the moon keychain is that at the back part there was a date written 'April 5' which was the date they both owned each other, and if you press the moon it makes a 'click' sound that turns on the other one's keychain.

They both had the keychain and everytime they were both apart taehyung would press the purple moon which made jungkook's keychain light on and indicates that his boyfriend misses him.

Jungkook smiles missing the old time but he's now happy for taehyung to find someone who can treat him better, who can love him unconditionally.

My gay ass is crying lmao

As jungkook was about to leave he got stopped by a deep morning voice.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung questions.

Jungkook gulped as he turns around "Yea-" jungkook eyes widened had a glimpse of a naked taehyung which made him look at the door again covering his eyes .

"FOR FUCKS SAKE TAEHYUNG PUT ON SOME BOXERS OR SOMETHING" Jungkook yells as he blushed 50 shades of red.

Taehyung smirked and clicked his tongue "It's not like we haven't fucked before kookie~" He sang making jungkook blush harder.

Jungkook then ran going down stairs startling the maids.

"Are you okay mr.jeon?" The eldest maid  asked.

"Oh m-me? I'm fine" Jungkook says trying to catch-up with his breath.

"Can I cook anything for you sir?" The other maid asked

"Ummm I would just like some hot cocoa please? Also! -with marshmallows" Jungkook smiled and the maid smiled with a nod in response.

'How the hell was he naked the whole time while it's freezing as hell?' Jungkook thought.

That was really strange.


Don't you hoes worry ofc this is still a taehyung ff, I added jk and th's past for  a filler of the upcoming drama lol

Also what did you think about the taekook parts? I have a taekook ff in my drafts by the way ; )


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