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Taehyung was worried why you still aren't back yet for the past 10 minutes.

"What's taking her so long?" He asked himself fixing his clothes while he stands up from his chair.

"Mom, I'll be back I'll go find Y/n" He says giving his parents kisses on the cheeks.

Taehyung first went to the bathroom and no sight of you was there so he started to roam around the whole restaurant.

5 minutes have past and he still didn't find you which made him fraustrated.

"She couldn't be outside right?" He asked himself going outside.

On his way outside he saw namjoon with chanyeol and jimin with sana.

His eyes shot wide open seeing them infront of him. "What the fuck?! This can't be happening"

Taehyung shook his head thinking he was dreaming. "No way, fuck it I have to find Y/n" he ran outside seeing you with Jungkook.

"Baby! What the fuck are you doing outside? I thought you were going to use the bathroom also why are you here jungkook?" Taehyung asked between his heavy breathes from running.

"I had a fan meeting with my fans you know since I am a singer" Jungkook says fidgeting with his fingers.

"I'll explain later baby but the important thing is we need to get out of here" You say shaking his shoulders.

"What? Why?" Taehyung asks.

"They're her-"

A gunshot inside the restaurant was heard.

People inside the restaurant started running outside.

All your eyes widened in shock making your bodies go completely stiff.

"D-don't tell me that was a gunshot?" You ask clutching your hand on your chest.

"I knew this day would come" Taehyung smirked furiously, as he extended his hand to jungkook, jungkook handed over a pistol.

"BABY WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH THAT GUN?!" You asked with your voice raised.

"I'll explain baby I promise. Bro, kook I trust you with her, baby I love you so much." He says kissing you one last time before breached the door, inside the now under attack restaurant.

"TAEHYUNG!" You shouted while ugly crying as jungkook backhugs you which traps you with his arms.

"Please kookie let me go, I need to get Taehyung" You begged  crying with a shaky voice.

"I'm sorry noona but I can't" He says bringing you at the back of a tree hiding.

You were safely placed in between jungkook's lap being caged from his arms, you kept crying and crying thinking what could possibly happen with your boyfriend.

You of course don't want him to die yet. You always dreamed of marrying him and having a happy family, you always wished him the happiest. Even though you aren't perfect you always tried being the best girlfriend he could ever wish for.

"Noona, please stop crying it hurts me seeing you like this" Jungkook says pouting while playing with your hair.

"W-what could possibly happen to him? I d-don't wanna loose him yet" You sobbed.

"Don't worry noona, I'll make sure that you're not losing anything" He says smiling.

You were totally terrified as you hear more gunshots, glass shattering, people screaming.

Making you sob harder and louder so jungkook rocks you side to side making you less scared.

"J-jungkook please let me go!" You tried getting out of his arms but it was no use compared to jungkook's strength.


Taehyung runs in cocking his pistol seeing a dead body infront of him.

He quickly checked the ID of the dead body infront of him.

"Choi Lei" He stares at it for a while before hearing another gun shot.

He quickly went through the crowd finding the person who started everything.

As soon as he went infront, there he is the man who started the gun shot.


This can't be.

Park Jimin?


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