1: Fallen

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Chapter 1 - Fallen

As the stars of night disappeared in the sky. FP remembers how good it felt to have her in his arms again. The sun light casted its way through his shutters. He turned his head, hoping she hadn't left after he fall asleep. She wasn't there, he laid flat on his back, frowning up at his celling. His mind was clouded by the images of her showing up at his door, wearing that low-cut snake-printed blouse. He felt stupid thinking she would actually stay. He was in his forties and he was still undeniably in love with Alice as he was when he first laid eyes on her.

He heard his son walk through the doors. He stared up at the clock, he was confused why his son was coming home at 6 in the morning.

"Jug, why are you getting home now?" He yawned, rubbing his eyes. His son just shrugged his shoulders, pouring his cereal into the bowl.

"Oh, I fall asleep on Mrs. C's couch. She actually walked in very late." Jughead replied briefly, taking a seat at the table. FP's eyes shift nervously at the statement. Shit, he mentally cursed. Did he notice the strange fragrance of her perfume still lingering behind?

"Oh really?" He tried to be nonchalant. Jughead nods his head. He looks up at the clock and quickly scruffs down the rest of his cereal.

"I should get going. Yesterday, Kevin asked me to be the videographer for his musical, Carrie he is directing and I told him yes." He says as he picks up his backpack. FP was a little surprised, but his son always had a love for old films and photography.

"Oh, how's it going? I mean it's Carrie." He asks hoping he can dodge the suspicions in his son's eyes. Jughead looked at him, something caught his eyes.

"It's good. Archie and Betty are playing boyfriend and girlfriend." He answered with a hint of disgust. That got FP's eyes right away. He heard about the Black hood kiss. He was surprised how well his son took that kiss.

"You don't sound happy about it. Is Red giving you trouble. Because if is—" he was interrupted by his son's hold on him.

"No, you won't do a thing. It's not your issue. Not after you cleaned up another murder for a psycho." Jughead warned, catching his attention. He knew that Jug was right. He wished his son would stop bring up his mistakes all the time. He made them. He was human. Humans make mistakes.

"Fine, I won't. You should really get to school then." He says as he took a bite of his bagel. Jughead nodded his head.

"Yeah, Kevin really likes to start on time. Bye Dad. See you after your shift tonight." He says as the door shut behind him.

Alice walked in the house at 4 in the morning. She never felt so refreshed as she felt that the moment. She walks into her living room, eyes wide as she spots a sleeping raven-haired boy on her couch. She was just happy that he was asleep and was unaware what just happened. She felt guilty for leaving in the middle of the night. She couldn't risk Betty or worse Jughead catching her.

She arrived at rehearsals just as Betty asks who's playing Carrie's mom. She said her and felt her daughter's eyes grow wide. She sat down in the chairs and Betty starts rehearsing her scenes. Betty was a star up there. She wondered why hadn't her daughter do more acting then sticking her nose in places it didn't belong.

FP was working his shift at Pop's. He was still thinking of the woman that haven't left his mind since their night, Stars lighting up the sky as they made love or what he liked to think of it as. He didn't know what she thought of it. Just then she walked I the doors, he felt his chest flutter. His mind was telling him to play it cool, but his body was having a full out freak out.

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