3: Repercussions

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Chapter 3~ Repercussions

Entering in the school was traumatizing for Betty. She hated the feeling she got as soon as she walked into those doors, she felt the instant amount of pressure on her shoulders, flashbacks of blood burned into her brain. Jughead saw Betty freeze up as she spotted a paper of remembrance of Midge. Her picture was in every floor of her school. It only had been two or three days since the play. Betty couldn't get herself to say the actual word out loud. Every time she tried it got caught in her throat. As they walked further down the hall, she spotted a bunch of reforcement officers guiding students to class. She heard from Kevin his father, Sheriff Keller decided for the time being to have extra security, just in case the Black Hood or something else strikes. They would at least be more prepared if that would happen.

When Cheryl arrived, She couldn't stop the gulit she was having in her heart. If she would've been Carrie, Midge wouldn't have died. But on the other hand she would be the one in her place. She couldn't believe that this was happening again. She just got back from the sisters nunnery and this happens. She was just happy her mother actually signed the papers. She was officially emancipated and free from her mother's wrath. She saw Toni from the corner of her eyes. She walked closer and reached for Toni's hand.

"Cher, are you okay? I mean being here?" Toni said calmly as she and Cheryl walked to class. Cheryl stopped moving, dropping her head and sighed. She didn't feel okay. Okay wasn't even the word she would use to describe herself.

"What's to be okay with TT? One of my vixens was brutally murdered and knifed to the stage wall like the Carrie's mother in the movie! So how tell me how I'm supposed to be okay?!" She snapped, feeling the undeniable gulit within her. She didn't mean to snap, she was just still shaken for the scene she saw. Toni's eyes widened, she also knew Cheryl didn't mean to sound like that. She was very out of place now.

"Cheryl, I know it's hard being here. But you can't blame yourself for her death." She stated as she brushed her arm with her hand gently. Cheryl felt the gulit started to disappear as Toni's hand brushed her arm.

"I know. I just feel like it is my fault." She said as she looked down at the ground, frowning. Toni's eyes soften again, she lifted Cheryl's chin and looked her lovingly in the eyes.

"It's not your fault, Cher. How were you suppose to know the Black Hood was going to do that? You wouldn't been able to stop it either way, Cheryl. Just try focusing on something else, Okay?" She reassured the best she could as she leaned in and kissed her gently on her crimson red lips.

An hour later, FP knocks on her door. He spent the whole ride there, contemplating how he was going to be there. He knew it was a risk. He hears the door open and shocked Alice appears from behind the door. She couldn't believe he was here. At her door holding chocolates in his arms and not flowers. It's sad that Hal brought her peonies and she's allergic to them. How could he forget after years of marriage? Sometimes she wonders why she married him in the first place. Maybe it was cause she was once drawn to him or he was her only ticket out of the southside. He watched as her eyes were instantly drawn to the chocolates in his arms.

"FP? What are you doing here?" She asked with a fixed face of confusion on her face. He breathed shortly before opening his mouth to speak.

"Betty called me asking to check on you. She said you were sick and you were refusing to rest." He explained as a grin formed on his lips. She felt her face flush up. Why did Betty have to be so unpredictable? She told her she was fine and she does this.

"I told her, I was fine. So you can go on home." She stood her ground with her hands on her hips, feeling bubbles in her stomach. Damn he looked great in just a black hoodie, she thought as she tried not to bite her lips. He didn't seem convinced. He knew her like a book. He could read her body language and could tell exactly how turned on she was by his black hoodie.

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