35: King & Queen Of Misery

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Chapter 35: King & Queen Of Misery

White, blue, red, pink, aqua and other varieties of colors flashed. Drinking could associated with disordinated vision and lots of swearing. For one drinking be marked with a caution. It shouldn't be just allowed. The Side effects are the pain of a hangover or yelling little children.

"Mrs.Smith, are you alright?" She fluttered her eyes at the person. She still didn't know what was going on. Why was the room spinning? Oh god her head hurts. Who the hell is shouting in her eardrums? When she finds out who? She will haunt them until they regret ever meeting her.

Was she losing her mind? She could people shouting and hollering over the loud obnoxious music. She feels all her blood rush to her head and she now feels like she could throw up.

"Ace!" She hears Hogeye running towards her. She had no clue where she was or what was going on around her.

Then she heard another voice," Is she okay? I didn't see her coming." She recognized the voice. He sounded so familiar but she couldn't remember the name that was wondering around her brain.

Hogeye was in the back room when he heard a commotion outside and went to investigate. She. He arrives he finds Alice on the floor, eyes closed and looking almost dead. He immediately starts to panic. He notices a blonde man by her and how he's checking her pulse.

"She's got a pulse." The blonde man said as she took a flashlight out of his back pocket and checked her reflexes.

Hogeye sighed in relief. He couldn't have his favorite getting hurt. He also knew Fp would kill him if anything happened to woman his loves. And frankly he wants to live to see their wedding. So he's trying to keep Fp Jones from murdering.

He gets over by Alice's other side and brushes his finger through hair and places a cool rag on top of her forehead. From what he can see she looks just very wasted and needs to go home.

He was about to pull out his phone and call Fp when he feels Alice's body recoil with his sudden moment. He watched as her eyes finally slowly open. He hopes she okay and he doesn't get murdered tonight. "Alice.... are you okay?"

All the voices mash into one as Alice slowly starts registering what's going around her. Her eyes still feel heavy as she blinks her eyelashes. The light was blinding her poor eyeballs. She wants to go somewhere.

"Ah..." She finally stammers as she squeezed her eyelids tightly from the harsh lights.

What's going on? Why was she on the floor and where was her tequila? God dammit! She spilled tequila on her brand new blouse. God she's so stupid. This blouse costed her whole damn paycheck! She had too many unanswered questions all at once. And then it was hitting her. She body slammed someone and hit the bar floor. She didn't even want to think of all the germs that were crawling all over the bar floor. She doubted it was cleaned regularly.

"Ace, can you hear me?" She can hear the worry in hogeye's voice. Her head was still spinning.

She just moans out and Hogeye sighs in relief. At least she can hear him. Now he needs to know if she can see at all. "Huh..."

"It's alright, Mrs. Smith. You're okay. We bumped into each other at the bar. I caught you before you hit the floor. Can you see anything?"

Her eyes start to adjust to the light and her vision becomes clearer as she tries to sit up. Her hands are planted to the ground and she's using her upper body strength to lift herself up. "Where am I?" She slurs as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.

"You're at the wyrm." Hogeye explains to her as he gives her a glass of water to drink. He waits until she finishes the glass and hands it back to him.

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