42: Foxfix

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Chapter 42: Foxfix

"Hello, yes, I'm calling about the co-host postion."

"Oh and your name is...?"

"Alice Smith. I applied for the position around February."

"Ah, I see. Ms. Smith, you applied for your co-host position for Foxfix News. We've looked over your application and we found that you were the best applicant for this job. Are you still interested in this position?"

Alice's heart was racing. She had been wanting this job for a long time. She figured that she hadn't gotten the job. But now knowing she had made her feel so accomplished with herself.

"Yes, yes, I am." She answers back confidently.

"Great! Come in by nine tomorrow for orientation."

"Alright, I will."

"See you then, Ms. Smith."

That was just yesterday. Alice was seated in the office chair, hands folded over lap and a smile on her lips. All a sudden the door swung open.

"Hello, MS. Smith." Henry greeted nicely, extending his hand.

Alice shook his hand and sat down. She looked around Mr. Mill's office. It was tidy and kept in great condition. Henry pulled out an Manila folder, placing it on top of his desk.

"It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Mills. I really appreciate that you took time and consideration. I've been wanting this job for as long as I can recall." Alice introduced herself.

Henry gave a polite nod," I have a few questions. If you wouldn't mind me asking."

She just nodded as a response." Of course. I'll answering any questions you have."

"How was it to learn that your ex-husband was the black hood?" That question shook her violently.

She felt like the world was closing in on her. She had expected questions, but she didn't expect that question. It had been seven months since Koel was born. It had been several weeks since Hal had been arrested for all those killings. She hadn't gotten over the trauma... not yet. 

"Um... it was... uh—" She cleared her throat since it began cracking in the middle of her interview. She took a deep calculated breath and took a minute to gather her thoughts.

"Ms. Smith... are you alright? We can move on from that question. I-I didn't mean to overstep—"

Alice shook her head," It's alright. I just wasn't expecting that question. I really haven't been asked that... you know..."

He nodded," I get it. It's all."

After the awkward minutes passed and Henry came back into the room. Alice's hands shook nervously. The door opened again. Alice's eyes hovered the wood for seconds after it closed again.

"I'm excited to say...." He drawls on," You got the job and you can start next week."

Alice smiles happily as she thanked him and closed the door behind her. All the way to her car she couldn't stop smiling. She had gotten the job and she was starting next week. She had a lot to prepare for her. She still hasn't told FP.

It's been a couple weeks since he started his new job and he had under a lot stress with the new case he was working on. She didn't know the details since it is still under wraps until they catch the culprit.

When she walked in the house. She was greeted by a sound of laughter. Which by the sound she could tell it was her fiancé and somebody else.

"Are you serious?"

She walked into the hallway, her smile slowly starting to fall. She went around the corner and nearly gasps in shock.

She couldn't believe who was there. She hadn't seen him since before— everything flipped upside down.

"Alice? Baby, you're home." Fp's voice started to calm her down.

FP noticed as soon as she walked in she looked upset. He knew that she thought he was cheating on her and that was the last thing he'd ever do.

"Yeah, I was expecting to see Fred here." There was something that happened a little bit after Christmas and New Years. She turned around and smiled at Fred." Hey..." She said awkwardly.

Fred smiles uneasily at her. He knew she  hadn't gotten over what happened after the New Year's kiss at the ball drop.

"Hey... uh... how's work going?" Alice's eyes twinkled and FP knew that look.

"Uh... nothing special." FP shook his head and lightly chuckled.

"Okay. Since when have you ever said nothing happened at work? You're always complaining about your horrible new assistant. So Al, what's going on? You've been very... I don't know. Happy?"

Alice knew she had to spill the beans." Okay. Okay. Do you remember the news I told I had two weeks ago?" She reminded him.

He nodded as he sat the dining room table with Fred looking at them suspiciously. They haven't really spoken about what happened that night since... well the night it happened. It's been awkward ever since.

"Yeah. You told me to say my news first. Why is it coming up now?"

Alice bit her lip to hold back her excitement. She knows FP has heard about her dream to be on this job.

"Well. I got a call from Foxfix. And...."

"And what?" He questions as he sees a smile faintly become more pigmented. 

"I forgot I applied for their new co-host position. And I got the job!" She announced excitedly.

FP's mouth flies open with shock. He couldn't believe Alice got her dream job. Over the years he's heard lectionary about why that is her dream job. He never thought she ever given up.

He picked her up and started spinning her," You really got the job?!" She nodded happily, causing him to kiss her deeply.

Their moment was interrupted by a throat clearing. They looked over and noticed that they had gotten to carried away. "Oh... um... We're sorry. Again."

Fred nods his head and takes their apology," It's alright. I guess it's payback for what happened... uh New Years..."

Alice broke into laughter. She still couldn't believe that had happened and in their brand new hot tub.

"Yeah. I guess it was..." She added.

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