27: A Little Fun Doesn't Hurt The Soul

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Chapter 27-
A Little Fun Doesn't Hurt The Soul

Everything changed about three months later. Cheryl officially moved in and was approved for adoption. Alice and Fp were so happy. Betty, Jughead and Cheryl actually got along. Jellybean didn't really bond much with Cheryl. She just kept to herself. The word kept to herself; meaning she spent most of her time with Koel. She loved Koel so much. He was little secret master. If she pulled tricks on her older brother; Koel would laugh so hard. She loved her brother so much. JB and Koel were inseparable from each other. Koel would latch onto her leg when she tried to sneak away. He was very strong for three months. He definitely was Alice and Fp's love child. Everything was happy and perfect. What changed?
.......Three months earlier.....

It was now Sunday evening, When Alice and Fp decided to take the kids out for frozen yogurt. Cheryl threw her hair up in a bun; which was rare occasion for Miss Cheryl. When she came downstairs, Betty had a matching bun and they squealed. Jughead chuckled as he covered his ears with his hands. Fp's smile never left his face. Alice hooked Koel on her hip before grabbing the keys from Fp's hand.

"No, no, I'm driving. You drive like a grandpa in my car," Alice commented as she jingled the car keys in her hands mockingly.

Fp just scoffed and rolled his eyes. He looked over at Jellybean, Betty, Jughead, and Cheryl. Betty and Cheryl stopped jumping up and down like little excited children and looked at him.

Betty's voice broke through Jughead's laughter. "Sorry, Fp but she's right." Fp's face grows shocked and she giggles.

"Wow... you know how to wound an old man." He muttered sarcastically as he folded his arms.

Jughead didn't stop laughing as he nearly falls to the ground. "Dad, Alice's right. When, I drive you start freaking out." Fp scowls and Jughead just smiles.

"Jug, you drive like a maniac." Fp added in as he strolled over to Alice and tries to reach for the keys.

Alice jingled the keys further back and Fp growls."Alice!" She just brings the keys even further then before. "C'mon Al! Just let me drive!" He pleads as he tries again.

Alice just shakes her head and laughs. "It's still a no, Jones." She just loves teasing him. It was so fun and funny to get under his skin.

Jellybean giggles along with Cheryl and Betty. Jughead was rolling on the floor laughing like a goofball and Koel was just cluelessly cooing along. Fp continues trying to get Alice to let him drive. And it was safe to say— he lost. Alice 1. Fp 0.

They all finally get outside in their fleece coats and Jean jackets. Fp was in his blue flannel, Alice in her coat that Fp bought for her and Jellybean wearing an old Nirvana T-shirt. Jughead watched as Cheryl and Betty stopped to take a quick selfie. Which Jughead Jones didn't get; whatsoever.

"No, no delete it, BB!" Cheryl yelled out as Betty snapped a shot of her. Betty just shook her head and laughed.

"No, it's a good one, C." Betty promises as she taps on her phone and types a quick status on Instagram.

Cheryl looks over her shoulder and shakes her head. "Betty, I look so bad!" She complains as she covers her face with her hands.

Betty rolls her eyes as she closed the app and wrapped her arms around Cheryl's waist. Cheryl hesitates for a moment before letting Betty hug her. She wasn't used to this kind of love and affection. She was actually accepted for who she was and is; was still a total new experience for her.

" C, you're my sister. And I love you so much. I know you're actually my cousin. But I never had a redhead sister before." Cheryl's frown drops from her lips and tears roll down her cheeks.

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