7: Have You Ever Tried To Fix A Bullet Hole With A Bandaid?

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Chapter 7~ Have You Ever Tried To Fix A Bullet Hole With A Bandaid?

The extreme and often irrational thought or fear of death leads to the phobia known as Thanatophobia. Sometimes you might feel like you are drowning in our thoughts but there's a differences between the fear of dying and the actual side effect of dying.

Many call this just something or not a traumatic experience. Others may say that, "Oh, I'm so sorry for this." But none of them really mean it.

Family of the one that's going through the trauma, always feel like that this was their fault. Maybe they should of done more to prevent. In truth, there isn't really a way to prevent any sort of destruction, you never know when is coming or when it's going to attack. It could be at the worst possible time or it be when you weren't expecting it.

Families go through the process of realization as they wait in the waiting rooms in disparity, hoping, pleading, begging for a better outcome. Nobody ones the outcome, it could take seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or even years for the reality to set in. Another type of fear: Agliophobia- is the persistent, unwarranted and often irrational fear of pain.

There's many different types of pains. There's the type called physical pain, aches, pangs, throbbing unbearable pain. Then there's emotional pain, where you don't want to wake up into the reality. You rather keep on the dark then know exactly what's going on around them. The pain that loved ones go through as they wait for the un-timing answer to answered.

In lit up rumble, the fights between the northside and Southside joined forces against one another. Southside braised their knuckles for the long night fight for their life's, NorthSide joined in on the distribution, causing more ruckus. Jughead looked up to his father, he saw the shaken man try to keep his fear down, he knew his dad was barely able to handle this. The plan was suppose to get Fangs to safety, they failed, they didn't even get passed the angry crowd. FP hated that he let down his gang, his son and most importantly the town. Now since it was war, the Southside and Northside were going to be in heated war with one another. This wasn't supposed to be the outcome.

"Dad, what are going to do?" His son pulled him out of his thoughts. FP turned toward his son, then eying Fangs. He took a sharp breath, looking around, no help was coming. It was up to them.

"Nobody is coming, Jug. We got to do this ourselves." He informed, looking down at Fangs who still was barely holding on to life. He reached down, carefully picking him up in his arms.

Jughead helped his father keep steady as they wobbled their way to closets phone and dialed 911 hoping that it would enough time.

Meanwhile nobody knew was going on across town. It wasn't like anybody could hear the sounds of screaming, screeching, glass shattering, doors locked. After she managed to break lose from the Black Hood, Cheryl took off in any direction she could possible think of. Why was this happening? Why her? What had she done to deserve this? Those were the questions racing through her mind as she slammed the door behind her locking it tight behind her, she tried to grab anything she could put her little hands on and push it against the door. From outside the door she heard something banging with full force against the locked door. She inched closer to the window. How would she escape? It's not like they had a secret hideaway. Or did they? She quickly climbed out the window, she was aware the jump was far. But what was more important? Her life or the height of the jump. With full impact she jumped bracing her feet for a hard landing. She ran fast for the shed where's she kept her bow and arrow. She had been practicing for months to aim just right. She aimed for one of the windows, she watched as the Black Hood jolted backward.

"I suggest you run whilst you still can. I only miss when I mean to." She threatened as she starts drawing back her bow, striking him the right shoulder. She smiled as he took off running.

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