13: Angel Who Could No Longer Fly

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Chapter 13- Angel Who Could No Longer Fly

Alice was in her daughters room. When she heard a panicked sounded. "Mom?!" She heard a voice. It was Betty looking right at her in panic.

"Betty? It's okay you're alive."

"Where's jughead?"

"He's outside." She watched as her daughter's eyes bulged. "What is it?" Betty started taking off her wires and standing up. "Betty lay back down." She ordered.

"Jughead, we need to go to the roof!" Betty snapped as she wobbled into the hall.

Cheryl was walking down the hall when she spotted Betty up and walking. She raced to her and hugged her tightly. "Betty, what are you doing out of bed? Gee girl you scared us to death." She watched as Betty broke out of her arms and started to head for the roof stairs.

"Jughead roof now!" It was all jumbled up. What was going on? She followed and pulled Toni along with her. She started fumbling Archie's and Veronica's numbers into her phone.

Archie was in his room when he got this alarm text. "Betty's awake. But there's somethings going on. She keeps yelling jughead roof now. Hurry sneak out or tell your father I don't care. This is not a drill. There's something very wrong." His heart was pounded so hard as he read the last line. His gut was hurting as he race downstairs.

His dad spotted him. "I thought I said go to your room!" He stopped when he saw his son's frantic face. "Archie what's wrong." He didn't open his mouth. He just handed him his phone. Fred read the text and quickly grabbed his keys and they went to the truck.

Veronica was in her room. Crying about Betty. Her phone buzzed she read the first three sentences and felt her heart drop. She pounced out of bed and raced downstairs. Hermonie saw the tears in her eyes. "Jug, Betty." That's all she got out before she and her mother ran to the car.

Betty reached the top of the roof panting. Her legs were sore from not being used. She didn't care. She had to save Jug. She wasn't going to let him get hurt like she had. She heard her mother's calls as she slammed the roof door open and eyes bulged in horror. Jughead was standing on the ledge looking down. Fp was sobbing and begging him to get down. Her eyes were getting wrecked with her tears. Alice was panting heavily from chasing her daughter upstairs. Once she made it to the top. Her heart didn't slow down it only sped up. Jughead was standing on the edge ready to take his life. Cheryl and Toni froze in horror.

Literally 18 second later, Archie, Veronica, Hermonie, Fred, Kevin and Tom arrived. Archie couldn't let him do this to himself. "Jughead, please step away from the Ledge." Betty's raw voice screamed as she watched him step even closer.

Jughead turned his head. He could hear her voice. He thought he was going crazy. That's when he saw her. She was alive, up and walking, eyes crying. B-" he felt himself slipping. Archie watched as his foot slipped.

"Jughead!" They all screeched on top of their lungs. Pain was in their voice as they watch Jughead hold onto the ledge with his hands. Jughead felt his grip getting slippery. He was going to fall.

"Hold on buddy!" Fp yelled as he raced to him, gripping onto his hand and pulled him up. "Oh god! Jug you scared me!" His voice was in cries. His son bawling in his arms.

"I'm sorry." It was soft but he could hear it. He was crying as he held his son close to his chest.

Betty was still panting after watching him nearly fall from the deaths hands. She was exhausted. Her eyes were heavy. Archie was breathing very hard as he collapsed into his dads arms. Alice was crying her eyes out as she squeezed her daughter in her arms. She almost lost her and Jughead. Cheryl was crying too. She felt sick to her stomach. Jughead has been there when she tried to kill herself. It wouldn't have been for Betty. Would he still be in their lives? She felt like they really needed a party. But she was going to wait for a few weeks. At least until things calmed down. She hadn't studied the Serpent laws yet. She was too busy dealing with the events that were occupying her time and mind.

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