45: Mrs. Jones

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Chapter 45: Mrs. Jones

"Mom!" A voice awoke her mind from its thoughts. Officially today was going to most nerve-racking, happy day of her life. "Mrs. Carroll is downstairs! You need to get ready, today is the BIG DAY!" Alice groaned softly as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Mom!" Another voice shouted through the door, followed by loud knocks. "I didn't spend three months planning this for you to get cold feet!" Cheryl's shrill of a voice made her ears ring.

She threw the blanket off her body, grumbled as she ripped the door open. Revealing two eager wedding planners standing in front of her with happy smiles. "I'm not getting cold feet. I was just enjoying my sleep." There was quite a difference in her wedding plans than her daughters' plans.

Cheryl stood with her hand on her hip, clearly not amused by her comment." We have a schedule to stick to. So, move it!"


Fred hollered at the teenage boys to stop playing their video games in Archie's room. FP was so anxious and it was Fred's job to calm his nerves before he passed out.

"Boys, it's time to put the games away and put on your tuxes!" He heard the boys groan.

"But we have one more level, Dad!" Archie's pitiful whine only made Fred more frustrated.

Fred snapped." No! You will go downstairs and get those suits on, understand me?" Both Archie and Jug sighed as they ended the game and walked right passed Fred. He had to thank Hermione for teaching him that trick later.

It had been exactly a month since Betty's birthday party and as of today it was FP and Alice's wedding day! His best friend and other best friend were getting married. He couldn't believe it was finally here. Over the years, Fred has dreamed for this moment. At his friend's first wedding, he just knew that Gladys wasn't the one that made FP happy. He watched the way FP and Alice interacted and just knew that they were a better match.

When the couple spilt, Fred knew how hard FP took it. His friend avoided anything that had to do with Alice and Hal at the time. Shortly after, Alice and Hal got married, FP showed up at his house drunk as a skunk. He remembered letting him staying over night, and then FP told him the next morning that he had enlisted. The shock hit him like a wave.

His best friend was going into the Army. That morning he drove FP to the airport and watch him board the plane. That wasn't supposed to be what happened. No. It was not what Fred dreamed for his best friend, but all he could do was sit and watch him leave. Over the months, FP would send letters entailing how boot camp was and then the day came he was shipped out to a war zone. Fred didn't hear from FP until five and a half months later and by then, Alice was expecting Polly.

Two years later, FP met Gladys at the Wyrm, slept with her and a month later, she was pregnant. By this time, Fred was already married to Mary, and Archie was already on his way. He remembered the day FP told him.

"Freddie... I... uh... Gladys is pregnant. What am I going to do?" He heard the worry in his best friend's voice.

"Oh, wow... F. Did you even wear a condom?" Fred spat with an accusing tone that was also filled with concern.

FP rolled his eyes." Uh, no. I forgot. Shit, Freddie, I can't be a father! My old man used to hit me, I can't do that!" Fred could see the horror in his eyes.

Calmly Fred placed his hands on FP's shoulders. He could see how terrified FP was. He knew how FP was feeling. He was also scared when Mary told him that she was expecting and that was only three months ago. "Breathe, F. I know you're scared, believe me  I was too, hell I still am. But I know you had a bad father... that hurt you. But that doesn't mean you'll be like him, FP. Now this is your time man up and figure out what you are going to do. She needs you right now, and that kid... I'm sure it will need you more than ever. It's up to do you what you decide." Fred takes a breath and then starts again," But I for one know that deep down in my heart, you will be a great dad, F."

Instead abandoning Gladys and the baby, FP married her and had a wonderful little boy with a ridiculous long name. Fred started to laugh at the name - Forsythe Pendleton Jones The Third. Of course FP would name his first born after him. When FP nicknamed him Jughead, Fred also felt bad for the boy. He thought things were going good for FP, but after Jellybean was born... things got rocky. He never liked Gladys. He also thought she was so hoe that ruined FP's life. And she was the reason FP started drinking heavily. Gladys wanted things and sometimes it wasn't for the kids. The debt she got him into was unbelievable. And when Fred found out FP was stealing from their job, he had to let him go. He hated it. Every part of him did.

Then after all that, FP was starting to get himself back on track. Fred saw changes in him that he hadn't seen in a long time. He stopped drinking, got a steady job, fell back into love, even though Fred was sure he never actually stopped loving Alice. Now he was about to marry her and for the right reasons. He could see that FP generally really loves Alice.

A month ago, Fred opened his front door and saw FP wearing a shirt that said," I heart Friends." He started bursting into laughter at the priceless sight and took a photo. FP gave him the middle finger and walked away.

"Freddie, I need help!" Fred heard FP shout from the guest room.

He sighed before opening the door and found FP struggling to fix his tie. It took everything in him not to fall apart. "Wha..." He didn't get to finish before FP threw the tie at him.

"Don't start." Fred couldn't hold it in any longer and FP smacked him in the chest with his elbow. "Fredrick, I need help, not the mockery!"


The groomsman stood anxiously at the top of the alter waiting for the ceremony to start. The bell chimes rung quietly through the wind. FP smiled as the music started playing. Hermione and Fred went together down the aisle and then separated into their designated spots. Mary showed up with a new person around her arm. This caught FP's eye. He was taken aback by the mystery person. Fred noted the shock on FP's face and whispered into his ear." That is Mary's girlfriend, Brook." FP tried to wipe off the shock and turned toward the next of the wedding party.

Alice watched as everyone before her made their way down the aisle. Jellybean happen to be the flower girl, Jughead and Betty went next and lastly it was her turn. Her heart was racing as the door swung open. She could see FP standing by the alter, smiling and even a little teary eyed. Once she made it to alter, took FP's hand and listened to the officiator.

"Hi, you may know me as Fred Andrews." The room made a few chuckles before Fred continued. "Yeah, I know you weren't expecting Fred Andrews to be officiating their wedding. It actually came to a shock to me too." Fred chuckled, looking at both FP and Alice. "I'm going to keep this short since we know the bride doesn't have patience." Alice's eyes shot Fred a glare.

"Fredrick." She warned.

He chuckled nervously and continued." Anyways, I'm here to be the kick-off to their special day." Fred said as a beam of sweat accumulated on his forehead.

When it was time for the rings, Fred had both Alice and FP place the rings on the other's fingers. Alice graciously slipped it onto FP's finger and gave a smile. FP did the same.

"By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce, you husband and wife." Alice leaned towards FP and they waited for Fred to give the finally word." You may now kiss the bride!"

FP captured Alice's lips with his and dipped her as they gave their official welcome as husband and wife. Everyone cheered and shouted as confetti rained down on the newly weds.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Everyone!" Fred announced with a cheesy grin. His best friends were finally married.


I hoped you liked the update!

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