20: Newer Starts and Hiding

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Chapter 20- Newer Starts and Hiding

~Should the baby be a girl or a Boy? Comment which you guys want.~

Three months go by, Alice was walking down the stairs to the new family room. She and Fp decided a few months back that it was time to move. They bought a medium sized house with a large backyard for their future little one to play in. Fp grabs some boxes, blankets and a large container of baby clothes and puts them into the moving truck. He couldn't wait to move in together officially. They had been staying in her old house for weeks and it just became too much for them to handle. Too many heartbreaking memories were stored in that house. It was just time to move on. Jughead helped by having Sweet Pea, Archie and Fangs lifted some of the heavy items.

After everything was moved in, Alice figured she would pick up lunch at Pop's. She slowly snuck out the back door unnoticed by the chanter filled conversations they were indulging in to even notice she had secretly left without Fp's permission. She hated that he was being overbearing and protective since she became pregnant. She was six months into her pregnancy. Majority of her pregnancy was very stressful for her. She was held captive and then her boyfriend's son almost died three months ago. She also understood why Fp was being so protective. He was just trying to help her. And she really appreciated that but she didn't like him hovering over her shoulder.

She pulled into the parking lot, walked through the doors with her baby bump showing a little underneath her T-shirt. Her shirt showed just enough cleavage as her breasts filled the shirt. It was like she was magnetic. Pop was walking toward her with a welcoming smile. "Alice, what are you doing here?"He asked as he handed her food and helped her waddle over to the table at the end of the diner.

"Well, this baby makes me crave strawberry milkshakes all the time." She hummed as she took a sip of her milkshake. Pop chuckled and gave an extra side of curly fries. She looked up, taking the side of curly fries and smiled. "Thanks, Pop." She said in between snacking.

"Your my favorite customer besides Jug." He said with a sly grin. "Don't tell him I said that." He saved himself as he snuck a fry off her plate. Alice rolled her eyes and pulled back her fries.

"You don't mess with a pregnant women with raging cravings, Pop Tate." She teased as she stuck her tongue out. He sighed as he nodded his head before walking away. She giggled stuffing her face with curly fries and slupping down her milkshake.

Fp looked around the house as he brought down three of the boxes. He carried three boxes in his arms up to the freshly painted nursery. They still didn't know what the gender was. Their next appointment was coming up very soon. Fp really wanted an another son. He would be happy with any gender. But he preferred boys much more. They were easier to handle compared to girls. Girls were complex and high maintenance. He came back downstairs to find his son chowing down on leftovers. He noticed how silent it was in the house. He started to walk over to the other side of the house. He called her name and didn't get an answer. He started to get all panicked in the inside. His mother of his child was running around town in god knows condition. He asked Archie, Jughead and the others if they saw her leave. They shook their heads and he started to pace back and forth around the little square footage they had.

Jughead noticed how freaked his dad was and got up from his chair and helped look with him. Fp grabbed his keys, hopped into his truck not even bothering to use his bike. She was three months pregnant. And it wasn't suitable for the baby. He couldn't stop himself from nearly having a heart attack. He checked the register. He didn't see her car parked in the front. He walked up to the sign which it still said closed. He sighed again getting back in his truck and searched. He doubted she would be at The Wrym. But he wouldn't check it off his list until he found her. And she was in his arms, alive and breathing. He pulled into the bar parking lot, sighing as he walked through the doors smelt musty, smoke and heavy liquor into his nostrils. He walked up to the front, smiling as he walked over to Hogeye. Hogeye welcomed him with kind arms and shook his head when he asked if she had stopped by. He thanked Hogeye, turning on his heel and leaving the bar. Then he could only think of one place she could possible be.

When he pulled into the last The destination he had been to that morning. He pushed the door open slowly with a jingle rang into his ears. He scanned the diner with his worried eyes. He spotted her in the back of the diner sitting in a booth, eating curly fries and drinking a strawberry milkshake. He approached with his heart still pounding against his chest. "There you are. I have been looking everywhere for you." He breathed as he pulled her into his arms. Alice's eyes widened and mutters "shit" under her breath. He wasn't supposed to find out. She accepted his hug before avoiding his eyes.

"Yeah I was craving Pop's. I didn't want to bother you." She said innocently as her eyes bore into his. Fp rolled his eyes not knowing whenever to yell at her or just take her home and forget what happened.

"Alice." He says as he slowly leans forward. "It wouldn't be a burden. I would go across two towns over to get whatever craving you were having. I wouldn't care." She smiled happily as she watches his lips.

"Awe." She stated in awe as she brings her lips to his and they collide in passion. "That's so sweet." She wraps her arms around his neck and his hands were on her waist.

He took her hand, slowly guided her back to his truck and helped lift her up into his truck. As they drove, his mind raced. How could she do that? Leave them without a word? He wanted to yell at her but he didn't want to start anything. He was just happy that she wasn't in serious danger. She sat in the passenger seat wiggling her toes in her flats. Labor Day weekend was coming up. She was excited. All the food she could eat. And her boyfriend wouldn't be able to tell her no.

Betty stood in the front door shaking her legs anxiously as she waited patiently for Fp to return with her mother. She was still petrified to be alone. Her father really damaged her. Her sister turned about to be a killer and in a cult. She still couldn't believe the events that occurred in last few months of her sophomore year. Junior year. That was something she couldn't wait for.

When she saw Fp's truck she broke out of Jughead's comforting arms and leaped into action and hugged her mother tightly. Her rounded belly pressed into her flattened stomach. "Mom, you can't do that! You had us worried sick!" She exclaimed as she held her mother tighter, careful not to hurt the baby growing her mother stomach.

Fp laid in bed that night spooning her as they slept. He held his hand on her sporting bump and smiled. He was going to be a dad again in less than five months. He couldn't wait. It didn't matter what gender. In a couple weeks they would find out the gender. Both Fp and Alice were ecstatic. He hoped that he could do better with this one. He didn't want to fail like he did with Jughead and Jellybean. Over the past three months him and Jellybean grew closer. He leaned a lot about her. She was 10. He still had time left. He wasn't looking forward to the dating years. But whatever would be? He was sure none were. After all those painful days without. It was sure hella wait. But it was worth it. She was his. And he was her Jonesy. They were a perfect match. As the rain trickled down the window pan. She heard the soft drops make a peaceful arrangement.

Also in a couple weeks was Cheryl's Serpent intuition. It had been a long wait but they were getting there. A lot had happened during those cruel months. His son still had nightmares. Betty would tell him about them. He loved the new house. It was homey. Almost felt like an actual home. With a family. One odd family might be added to the strange definition. But in their own way. It was their own way to say everything would be alright.

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