37: Honesty Works Like Magic

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Chapter 37: Honesty Works Like Magic

After school, Veronica's car door flipped open, revealing her studded shoes and planted to the earth ground. She was exhausted. School was kicking her ass. Also running Pop's was a pain in her ass. But she was making it.

She doesn't care what they say. Oh, a girl can't run a business. Bullshit. She's doing it and making bucks and dollars. Archie was her main supporter.

"Aye, Boss." She looks behind her as she unlocks the door. There she found Fp walking towards her.

He looked exhausted too. His eyes just looked dead to the world. It wasn't like he was hungover; no it was worse.


Fp's eyes flicker as he hears the jingles and looks over at his boss. That felt strange falling off his tongue. She was a great boss and he made much more than he ever made with running Andrews construction.

"I have your approval from the town. The speakeasy will be up and running as soon as we open the secret door." Veronica's eyes lit up and her smile made him even smile.

"That's amazing, Fp!" She squealed like a teenage fangirl.

"I'm happy too, Veronica." She could hear the doubt in his voice and her heart sank.

"Sit." He looked at her with a cocked eyebrow. "Sit." She added with authority in her voice.

Fp sighs as he takes a seat in the closest booth to the front entrance. He can see the irritation in her eyes. It was like she was ready for a fight and it wasn't close to the fighting season.

"What did you do?" He bites at his lower lip and sighs. He knows that he was in the wrong. "My mom told me. You fucked up." He eyes her with a look.

She bushes the look off and rolls her eyes, "I'm almost eighteen and I'm running a fucking business all by myself. If you have a problem with my language? You can find a new job, Mr. Jones." The threat made his skin crawl with fear.

He shakes his head and lowers his tone, "No, No. it's just that— I've never liked it when my kids swear."

"Understandable. My father's last words to me were a whore and slut. So I guess I agree..." He heard the sadness in her voice. He knew that she was still affected by it.

Veronica can feel the tension arise in the diner after she said that. She didn't like the pity. Fp didn't want to seem like he was pitying her by any means. He knows that she's a strong, driven woman and can take care of herself. But that doesn't mean she didn't need love.

He sighs," That's not right, kid." His tone was soft and caring. He used the same tone as his daughter. His relationship with his kids was still frayed but getting better each day.

"I know..."

"You need love, Veronica. This world is toxic without love and wars burn rage through our bodies." She felt light wetness touch her waterline.

The word "Toxic" kept running through her mind. His words hit triggers in her. She hasn't been able to relax since Jughead's attack. She still felt guilty for what has happened. It seemed like it was getting worse each time. Her lungs craved for a break.

"I know..." she mentioned again as she started filling orders for her stock.

Pop Tate has shown her how to make the shakes and conduct a smooth running business. She was grateful for his guidance.

"Hang in there, kid," Fp said as he hugged her and made his way to the parking lot.

He hoped when he was home that Alice would be there waiting for him. Being away from her was unbearable to watch. Even the kids couldn't watch
Jughead gathers Betty's books off the couch. He heard light chatter coming from the kitchen. As the curiosity searched for answers, Jughead peeked around the corner. He saw his dad sitting at the table staring at an object. What he feared was the item his father was looking at.

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