21: Midnight Cravings

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"Since you asked for part two. I thought give it to you. I had fun writing it. Hope you enjoy." -Aut

Chapter 21 - Midnight Cravings

In the middle of the night, Alice woke for a raging craving. She started to slip out of bed, when she felt a hand stop her. "Where you going?" Fp mumbled through his sleep. He knew she was trying to leave again.

Alice rolled back onto her back and sighed. "Babe I want ice cream." She heard Fp groan. "We have ice cream in the freezer." But she didn't want that ice cream. She wanted brownie explosion. And it was only at sonic. She wanted it so badly. "It's not the same." She complained as she shuffled her feet over to her closet and grabbed her slippers.

Fp heard shuffling in the background. God this women was going to be the death of him. But he sure loved her too much. He turned on the side table lamp and caught her red handed. "Uh uh. Get back in bed." He ordered as he saw her form a pout.

  She rolled her eyes and stood her ground. "No, I want brownie explosion and if your not getting up I will!" She snapped as she changed into more suitable clothes.

She was just in a nighty not very appropriate for a night errand. He sighed as he pressed his feet to the ground and walked over to her. "Fine I'll go. Where?" She grinned with satisfaction when she got her way. "Sonic." She said softly as his face turned to frown. "That's all the way across Centerville, Alice." He stated with a frown widening.  She rolled her eyes again and snarled angrily. "And what did you say yesterday?" Oh great she actually remembered.

He huffs his chest and throws on his boots and jacket before closing the door. But not before he heard. "Thanks Baby" He sighed again before headed downstairs. Her cravings were going to kill him. He loves her so much. But he has work in the morning. Veronica asked him to manage the speakeasy and he took her up on the offer. He was having a baby. He needed a better paying job. He was grateful for having such an opportunity. He always had took the hard routes. And now he didn't have to.

As he peaked down, His eyes were met by his son. He wondered what had his son up at. He checked his watch. At 12:25 in the morning. "Jug? Where you heading?" His son jumped back and looked to face him while holding his hand to his chest.

"Betty has bad cravings." He shot his son a look. "No, not like that. She's on her month." He didn't like saying the word Period. But that wasn't the situation right now. "What got you up?" His son asked him as they stood in quiet hallway. 

He grabbed his keys and turned to his son." Alice and her pregnancy cravings. Geez she's going to kill me." Jughead chuckled at his father's expression. He could tell he was exhausted. "What's Betty's craving?" He asked as he started opening the door.

"Brownie Explosion." He looked at his son for a second. "Alice too? Wow they really alike." Jughead joked as he grabbed his wallet.

"My these Smiths might end us Joneses." Fp joked too as he started to walk over to his truck. He then turned back to his son. "Hop in. It's going to be a long ride." Jughead opened the passenger side door and hopped in.

After a few minutes of dead silence, Jughead opened his mouth as his father turned on Lincoln. It was going to be a long ride. "Where we headed?" He questioned as he looked up at the stop sign.

Fp sighed as he gripped the steering wheeling as they turned the corner. "Centerville" He heard his son groan and he chuckled. "Yeah I told you it was going to be a long ride, Boy." Jughead settled in.

"You might be right. They will be the causes of deaths." He grumbled as he looked ahead. Fp chuckled again as he made another turn and turned on the radio.

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