12: Guilty Pleasures & Unpleasant Sights

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"Another chapter in the works. It's hard to balance two stories at a time. But somehow I'm doing it 😂 sorry its shorter."

Chapter 12- Guilty Pleasures & Unpleasant Sights

Oh all the questions the group would ask themselves. They never thought why did we cut school. They should of stay in school. It would be a lot less awkward and embarrassing on the both ends.

Veronica led them down the hall. She saw the coast was clear. She quickly signaled the others over. Kevin was still willing to go. Even if he would end up grounded or in detention. Something told Archie and Jughead that it wasn't Veronica's first time sneaking out of their school. She went down to the back exit knowing there was no cameras. In her opinion Riverdale High had the worst security out of all the schools had been to. Her parents were never aware of the time she skipped back in New York. Her and her friends would spend their time at the mall looking for the best clothes and then charge their parents credit cards. That was the old Veronica. But yet again she was being old Veronica right now as they sneak out the back doors. She placed a wooden block in between and slowly shuts the door.

Then they sneak around the back of the school to where the school parking lot is. She spotted her car a few rows away in the front just like she liked it. Cheryl was impressed that the escape worked. She didn't think they were going to get out. Toni was amazed for the Lodge. Damn, she would be a great Serpent, Toni thought to herself as she stepped into Veronica's Black Ferrari. It was shiny and smelt like a brand new car smell. Archie took the passenger seat. He wanted to be close to Ronnie.  Cheryl sat next to Toni. Kevin sat on the other side of Toni. And Jughead he sighed while getting into the small section of the car. The seat was hot and it burned his legs.

Ronnie turned down the road and off they went. Wind blowing in their faces, smell of the flowers sneaking into their nostrils. Cheryl was looking in the mirror reapplying her red lipstick. The car jolted and the lipstick smeared on her face. She groaned in frustration as she took out a makeup wipe and wiping the streak of the red mark off her face. Toni was looking at the blue sky. Jughead was typing away on his laptop. Now that Hiram Lodge was dead he could finally finish his novel. Ronnie drove down the road singing her lungs out as she turned onto abandoned road. She felt a little spooked as her music  boomed as her car stopped. They all looked around laughing as they walked down the road. Maybe they should of stayed in the car. Jughead and Archie kicked rocked on the dirt road. Cheryl rolls her eyes at the hooligans. Dirt wasn't her speciality. It was gross and didn't belong in her new clothes she paid a fortune for. Mommize wasn't controlling her anymore. She was suppose become a serpent today.  But Fp pushed the date back. It wasn't the right time.

As they walked further down the dirt road pathway. They heard unusual sounds come from afar. Jughead whipped out his switchblade from his back pocket, flipping open the blade and holding his arms out to protect them. What if it was the Ghoulies? He wasn't going to let them get hurt. Archie's protective sense kicked in and he wrapped his arms around Veronica protecting her. Kevin who was all had no body to protect him. He felt left out once again. Toni pushed a hand in front of Cheryl and held her close to her. Hearts started beating faster as they stepped closer to the noise. Jughead threw his hands over his eyes. Veronica broke out of the embrace and shoved her way through. Her eyes widened as she gasped. Cheryl and Toni weren't surprised. Kevin was like shocked but still covered his eyes. "Dad?!" Jughead shouted with his eyes shielded.

Alice and Fp quickly jumped apart, stumbling to fix their garments. Hair was still messed up. Fp watched as more of the group appeared from behind his son. Veronica removed her hands from her eyes as she noticed that they were dressed. Fp was a little embarrassed and very displeased. His son was suppose to be in school. And why the hell wasn't he. Jughead saw his dad's eyes. They were angry and full of disappointment. "Mrs Smith?" Veronica said as she adjusted to the new scene. Alice's face was red. She wanted to know why the kids were there and how did they get there? Alice stood up and hopped down from the bed.

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