15: Not All Surprises Lead To Promising Endings

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Chapter 15- Not All Surprises Lead To Promising Endings

A week later, a surprise showed up. A surprise named Polly Cooper. Alice hadn't heard from her daughter in months. The visit was sure a blow to her mind. She thought she had lost her. After everything she had caused her. The Sisters, Jason and most of all she lied about her past.

When she welcomed her oldest daughter in her arms. She just started breaking down. Her daughter gave her a soft smile and began soothing her.

"Mom, I heard about Dad." Polly paused, tears forming at the bay of her eyes. She shook her head to keep them from falling. "I'm so sorry. I didn't believe you. I should have taken you with me." Alice felt a stab to her heart. Her daughter didn't know what her life was.

"Polly..." She gasped as she led her the the couch. "I can't come with you, Polls." It broke her heart. Before she knew it. Her oldest daughter threw her arms around her again.

"Shh.... it's okay, Mom." She felt chills at the calmness in her daughter's voice. "I can help you. We can find another way." She was confused what did she mean by another way.

"Polls, what are you taking about? Another way? I'm very confused." She didn't know what was going on.

"Come mom, with me. We can start over. Forget about our lives. What Dad caused. The horrible human he had become." The pleading teen was making her heart break again. She can't leave Fp. Betty or even Jughead.

She stood up from the couch, she wiped her cheeks before eyeing her in the eyes again. "Polly, what about F— Betty. She's your sister. I can't leave her behind." Tears we're releasing at the mention of Fp. She almost said his name. They were happy. Leaving would tarnish everything.

Soft eyes met with hers again. "Mom, I can't bring her." That stunned her. Why?" There's only room for one. She can stay with Jughead." She shook her head. That statement appalled her.

She stood locking eyes with her, still not sure what to do. She can't leave her. "Polly, she needs me. I can't even believe your asking me to leave her."

A car horn beeped distracting her. Polly stood up and approached her mother. "Mom, we have to go now. Something is going to happen. I can only bring you. Betty will be fine." She rushed as she grabbed her mother's arm and pulled her with her.

Before Alice could even take in the words. She was taken by her daughter and led to a car. She sighed before she stepped in the back seat. She hovered a hand over the swell on her abdomen. She couldn't believe she was leaving. Once again. But this time. She had no idea where she was heading. In the back of her mind as the car was set into motion; she could still not forget what her oldest girl had said before she was led to the car. Something was going to happen. But what? Her heart throbbed as she saw the "now leaving Riverdale. The town with Pep." pass by. Her heart felt hollow as she felt the car speed down the roads. Why did she do this? She was leaving a great, wonderful and amazing guy behind. Her other daughter and the only Redhead blossom for a new life. She felt wrong. Almost tainted. When she turned her head to look behind. She realized that it was too late. Maybe they would be better off without her.

Betty was walking into the observation area with Fp a few feet away from her. Her heart was pounding so hard. She couldn't believe she was actually doing this. That she had the courage to do this.

As soon as she saw her father's sly grin, her stomach turned to the point she had to hold back the vomit that was being lodged in her throat begging to be released.

"Betty, it's nice seeing you." He breathed with a chuckle sneaking behind the greeting.

She rolled her eyes. She was disgusted. Her father wasn't the man she wanted him to be.

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