17: Everyone Has Secrets

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Chapter 17- Everyone Has Secrets

Alice had woken as she heard chatter. But something just didn't seem right. The way people were talking, was alarming to her. Saying things like we need to kill her. What kind of Cult was this? She didn't think they killed people in cults. What had she gotten herself into? And then she heard a familiar voice break her thoughts. "Edgar thanks for giving her the ice cream. It really helps with our plot." They tried to poison her and her baby. She was very glad she was warned and was able to call home. "You're welcome, Boss." He was working for them. Oh crap! She was screwed, she mentally cried to herself.

Polly had something very important to do. She was going to get revenge on her mother and sister for ruining her life. And she knew exactly how. "Hello Mother." She watched as her mother cringed as ripped the tape off her mouth. "Polly..." She breathed. Watching her mother's tears fall was satisfying.

Alice felt the tape that was over her mouth get torn off her lips. She wanted to cry so much. It hurt more then she ever imagined. And when she saw her oldest daughter standing in front of her with an evil grin, her heart sped up and her feet felt numb. "Hello Mother." Her oldest mocked in a chilling tone. Why was her daughter doing this to her? What did she do? "Polly..." She breathed out as tears coated her cheeks and she grinned even more. Alice felt sick to her stomach. She thought her daughter loved her. "Why are you doing this? I'm your mother?!" She started crying as she looked up to see the cold green eyes. She had to become her father. But why? She was just this happy child.

Icy green eyes, heart shaped face and slim body moved closer into her space. "Well, Mother a lot of things have changed. First of all, You sent to The Sisters Of Quiet Mercy. And second of all, you left me for you're new perfect family." She was baffled. What was Polly talking about? "And yes I know about your affair with Fp Jones. You slept with they guy who cleaned up Jason. How could you?!" She screamed as she snarled her teeth. Alice was shaking vigorously as she backed into a hay bail and fell backawards trying to stand up.

"Polly... I never meant to hurt you." She spoke softly trying not to attack her daughter. Polly scoffed not believing a word she sputtered out. "Bullshit! And you know it!" She cut her mother off spitting harsh words in her direction. "You never loved me enough! You always were like Elizabeth this Elizabeth that! I never got your undivided attention! Not even after Jason was murdered! You left me! And Dad was always right." She got even closer to her mother's face. "You're jusy some... southside scum who got knocked up by your southside scum of a boyfriend! Who you later continued to fuck for whatever brainless decision in your mind!" She taunted as a few more tears rolled down her mother's cheeks. Alice couldn't believe such awful words exited her daughter's mouth. She thought she raised her better than that.

"Polly, I thought I- I raised you better than that." She gasped in utter shock. She wanted to go home. Why did she listen? It was a trap and she knew it. And willing walked in to the trap. Betty's probably hates her.

Polly stood up eying her like meat on a stick and smiled. "No, mother, I guess you didn't." Then she watched as a camera appeared in front of her with her daughter smiling sickly in torment. "Any last words before you end up with all the other the Black Hood Victims?" She knew it was going to be the last words. She was scared. Will they ever find her? She nodded her head and then the camera started rolling into focus.

Betty was typing on her laptop in Fp's dining room while he made them Mac Cheese in the kitchen. She had an oral report for her history class due next Thursday. As her fingers pressed the keys, her laptop dinged telling her she got an email. She dragged the mouse to her inbox, sliding her two fingers across the keypad and tapping the email. A video popped up on her screen, her curiosity took the best of her and she tapped the keyboard one more time to unveil the mystery delivery. Jughead was in the same room on his laptop as well. He was writing his book about Hiram Lodge and the Black Hood. He was in deep detail when he heard gasps and turned his attention to Betty. Betty was staring at the screen mortified on what she just saw. Fp was in the kitchen serving the Mac and Cheese into three separate bowls. With his steady hands he took the hot streamy bowls over to the two frazzled teens staring at Betty's laptop.

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