4: Clock Full Of Guilt

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Chapter 4- Clock Full Of Guilt

The remaining of the morning, FP woke up with his eyes burning with irritation from spending his whole night sobbing about the little boy he wouldn't ever to get to know. While Jughead was sleeping, he snuck back into the living room and stared at little blood splattered picture of his boy, every time he glanced at the picture, his stomach dropped with guilt. It was like his guilt ran on a clock, ticking until he shoved his head into a pillow, screaming a muffled scream, trying not to wake Jug or the rest of the trailer park. Nor did he want everyone know the true devastation he was going through. He knew the trailer walls were thin, he hoped he wasn't being to loud.

Jughead didn't sleep well yet again, it seemed like a recurrence lately for him. It wasn't just the nightmares, it was the reality this time. He and Betty shared a brother, or did share one. He was still trying to grasp onto the information himself, he knew his dad wasn't taking the news well. He heard his dad sneak into the living room last night. Being the investigator he is, he quietly opened his door, sneaking around the corner. He saw his dad, curled up in a ball, eyes bloodshot, he was holding the picture. He knew it was Charles. He felt his heart break for his father, knowing that he will never get a chance to get to know his son, he must be devastated. He heard his dad talking, it couldn't really tell what was being spoken through the rawness in his voice, but he was able to make out a few words in particular. "I'm sorry, Charles. I wish I-I would've known about you. And no, I'm not mad at your mother. I understand she was scared, and I'm sorry that I didn't know sooner. I will always love you, C-charles." His voice came out in a desperate plea as tears rolled down his cheeks. Jughead swallowed the lump in his throat quietly as he closed his door lightly behind him. When he was back in bed, he wiped the wetness from his cheeks and turned over on his side.

When he woke up, his eyes were still sore from lack of sleep, he felt his heavy eyes, they were desperate to shut. His mind wouldn't turn off. FP was sitting at the table when he heard his son's footsteps creep behind him, he shifted his body, meeting his eyes with his son. He could tell Jughead didn't sleep yet again.

"Jug, you didn't sleep again. Boy, you need to start sleeping. I don't need you crashing your bike." He stated as his eyes looked into his son's. Jughead shifted slowly as he sat down. He thought about bringing up what he saw last night, but he decided not to burn his heart with more vinegar. Vinegar always burned after it was torched on fire.

"Yeah" He sighed not meeting his dad's eyes. His mind was still overpowered by after effects of the storm of yesterday. FP got up from the table, narrowing his eyes to the floor, before opening his mouth.

"Jug, how about I take you to school today? Maybe we will pay Alice and Betty a visit. It's still pretty earlier, school doesn't start for another hour. I'm sure that we need to keep an eye on them. After everything that has happened recently." He says as he grabs his keys from the basket on the kitchen counter. Jughead knew that was a good idea. He also felt like Betty was hiding something.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Dad, I feel like Betty's hiding something." He blurts out causing FP to turn away from the door.

"Jug, what do you mean hiding something?" He asked softly still feeling concerned. Jughead stared up sightly, letting out a long sigh.

"I don't know. When I came up from the basement after she ran upstairs after Chic told Alice that she killed him. Now we know he did it. But anyway, she was on the phone, she was all tense. I remember she used to get like that when the Black hood would call." He stopped at mid-sentence, automatically knowing what it was. "Damn it. It's that again. Why didn't she tell me." He cursed into his hands. FP was still trying to take in the words and then his son stopped. He looked over at his son, waiting for the next words. The Black hood had been threatening Betty. What the fuck, He mentally cursed.

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