40: Untold Tales Aren't Fairy-tales

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Chapter 40: Untold Tales Aren't Fairy-tales

Silent crashed throughout the whole room. They felt as if their world was flipped upside down. His words spun them around like a carousel, it never stopped turning. As much as they wanted to believe he was actually saying the words, their hearts just couldn't believe it.

The words," I'm Charles Smith, I'm your son" came rolling off the man's tongue. Like it's said,"The carousel never stops turning" Their ears popped and their heart began to pound.

FP who usually kept his emotions together, just started tearing. Was this really happening? He shook his head and kept muttering to himself. This wasn't happening. Your son is dead, he's not your son. But his heart was telling him to believe the man in front of him.

Alice looked at the man and knew instantly that her suspicions were correct. Adam was indeed her son and she was right along. "C-Charles?" Her voice cracks as she meets her baby's eyes.

He looked like his father. His hair, his smile and her generosity. He was her son and there was no doubt in her mind. "Mom.." Adam— Charles's voice wavered as he stepped into the room.

His mother was right in front of him. He needed to know why she gave him away. He had so many questions and they all couldn't be asked at once.

FP dropped his jaw, slowly walking up to man and felt himself getting hugged by him. His son? It was his son. His son was alive and thriving. "C-harles... we thought you were dead."

Charles slowly approached his parents, almost scared that they would reject him. "I was never dead." His throat started to close up. He clears his throat and looks at his parents.

"How? Chic he killed you?"

"Chic?" They both nod at the same time," Oh no, he tried to kill me. I faked my death to get away. I changed my name, I had to get a new identity and moved to Wisconsin and became Adam Smith." Alice and FP were both speechless. They were still trying to comprehend the fact their son was actually alive and not dead.

Alice's eyes were blinking back the tears as she looked at her son. "Oh god, Charles." She breathed out as she embraced him.

It was a soft hug, her arms were around him and he was breathing hard. "Why did you give me up?" The way his voice cracked made her want to fall apart.

Alice felt breathless, even her eyes ached as she stared at her son with teary eyes. She could see the pain and resentment in his eyes. He looked just his father, FP Jones. She remembered how his eyes flickered with the same resentment the day she ended things with him.

"Charles..." His name gently falls off her lips. She sees him trying to hold back his own tears and feels awful about what she's caused. "I never wanted to. I was forced to give you away by Hal. He refused to have his reputation ruined by my "mistake" he called you. I never thought you a mistake. I was devastated when they snatched you away from me. I never got to hold you. It was painful. I had to have you naturally and without any pain meds." FP watched as little teardrops fell off his son's eyes.

"So... it was all Hal Cooper?" Charles asked as his jaw loosened and he slowly took a seat next his mother. Alice was crying into her hands as she felt the guilt all over again.

"Yes, Sweetheart. It was his fault I didn't get to keep you. If I just would've told FP, maybe things would be different." Her eyes waved over to FP. She could see that he had been crying, everyone was crying.

A father, A son and A mother were all reunited. Nothing they ever expected to happen, happened anyway. She didn't want to think Chic killed her son and she was happy that bastard was dead. He caused her baby pain and you never mess with a mama bear and her cubs. If you do? You better wish to be lucky to tell it.

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