32: Odd Sense Of Farmiliarity

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Chapter 32- Odd Sense Of Familiarity

Walking in the sheriff office was exciting and brought anxiety to the couple. It only had been two or three days since Koel was kidnapped. As heartbreaking as it was for them; it also caused much more difficulties to arise.

Alice's nose crinkles by the frosty touch from the air. Winter was upon them soon. Soon holidays will come and go. And for now her focus was her son. She had to find her son. She came into the building with ambition to find her son. Fp looks over at the frosty window and sighs as he pulls the handle. He's afraid what could behind that door. It could be good or terribly horribly bad. Either way was giving him anxiety. All he wanted was to squeeze him until he said "Dada" or cry until he had no tears left.

Tom enters the room with a strict look. His hair was slick back and his face look as if he was exhausted. Truth to be told was he was. He wasn't getting sleep. Sierra kept telling to take a break. But he knew that Alice and Fp wouldn't take breaks to find their son. So why should he?

He signals Fp and Alice to take a seat. Alice nods her head and takes a seat next to Fp. His hand squeezing hers gently as they wait for Tom to open his mouth. Their hearts thump and their feet tap on the ground.

"I called you in to discuss..." Tom's voice blurred in as Alice's throat went numb.

Her nails dug into Fp's palm and she felt him squeeze her hand back. "Discuss what Tom?! I don't have all day!" Alice snapped as her eyes weakened for the answer.

Tom takes a deep breath and slowly opens his mouth. He knows that this their only option. He gets out of his chair and opens his office door. Fp's eyes widened and slowly his heart rate increased.

"I would like to introduce you to Detective Adam Smith. He's here to help us find Koel." Fp greets the young blonde man with a firm handshake.

Detective Adam returned the handshake and smiled at the blonde in the office chair. Alice slowly got out her chair and approached the young man. His jawline looked so familiar. She just didn't know where she'd seen it before. He was kind and genuine. All the characteristics in one man. His smile only made her stomach bubble with happiness. Which was odd; since her son's missing and she has no idea where he could be.

With a smile Alice walks over to Adam and shakes his hand friendly and smiles at him. He smiles back and they start discussing how they are going to find her son. She's grateful for his help.

She sits back down and Fp's hand was instantly on her back. She blinks her eyes as she tries not to get emotional. She wants to her his laugh again and have his morning kisses. This isn't fair to her. She misses him so much to the point it kills her inside.

They sit down at the desk looking down at his file. Adam Smith looked at the file report, his eyes grew soft. He had secrets he was hiding too. Fp listener to Tom and Adam go over to answers. By the end of the meeting, it still didn't bring any news. No happiness. Pain was still hollow in their hearts. Fp couldn't stand going home at night to empty house. He still had his oldest, Jughead and Jellybean. But Koel was still missing and he couldn't bear it anymore.
A few hours after he dropped Alice off back home. Meeting new Detective was backbreaking for him. There was just something about the guy that made him question himself. Was he trying to find his son? Would another drink soothe the pain? He had one more stop to go. Days like this. He wished—no prayed for a drink. He knows it's not good. It's a very bad idea. But sometimes he can't handle all this without a power helper. That's what he likes to call them. Maybe it helps him. Or drowns the guilt if he calls them another name.

He pulls into the location, blood pumping from his heart and to all veins. He wants to seem like he's okay. But really he's struggling to juggle everything. His feet hit the brake and his lungs fill with air. He can't believe what's he going to do. He hasn't seen the man in years. What has changed? Most likely nothing. This man will still responsible for ruining his life. Every nightmare will be brought to life when he lays eyes on him. So why bother? FP needs answers. He needs to know if he's still in prison, not running around holding his three-month-old son hostage. It's killing him to not see little man. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. No it was never supposed to be this way— ever.

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