29: Shattered For The Chosen One's

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Chapter 29-
Shattered For The Chosen One's

When FP wakes again, Alice's staring at him with soft eyes and kisses him. FP smiled at her and leans down and kisses her. He couldn't believe they haven't had sex in three months. Which was very surprising for both Fp and Alice. They guessed they were too busy dealing with Koel for the pleasure.

She kisses his collarbone with her tender touch. Her tender touch sends Fp into a dirty, wet and his boxers tightened in the inside. She smirks and yanks off his boxers. Her nails scrap against his skin and he feels her tongue trail down lower and lower. He feels like he's about to come. Alice smugly takes his throbbing cock into her mouth.

And then he flips over and gets on top of her weak body. His lips attack her sensitive skin. She knows he likes to play dirty and she loves that about him. His finger enters her clit. She feels a wave of excitement overpass her body. "Fuck!" Her voice strangles as his body grinded against hers.

Her teeth sink into his pecs and she nibbles. "Fuck, Al!" He squeezes out as he comes.

After the aerobics was surveyed correctly, Fp and Alice never felt more satisfied. It seemed like since they had Koel that only raised their sexual connections with one another.

Alice slips out of his arms when he fell asleep and redressed quietly before closing the door softly behind her. She's careful not to wake him. She knows that he's still upset about Abby. She didn't know how badly affected he was by it. No she didn't think he moved on. You never move on from something like that.

She also know it's going take some time for him to figure out what's going. He went to years of therapy. It took him years to fully compress what happened when he was only thirteen. His mother left when he was ten-years-old. She had to leave after his father drank and kept hitting them. His mother did try taking the kids. But his father pointed a gun at her and she left in tears. That was the last time that Fp ever saw his mother. His mother didn't know about Abby's death. They were never able to find her. He had to stay with his aunt and Uncle on the other part of the southside.

She makes her way to the kitchen and opens the fridge to gather all the ingredients for the omelets she was making. She pulled out the eggs, spinach, tomatoes, bacon and four plastic storage bags.

"Mmmh.... those smell so sound, Mom." Betty commented as she walked into the kitchen and sat down at the massive island.

Alice looks up from cracking the eggs and smiles at her daughter. "Morning, Betty." She chirps as she began to crack an egg against the mixing bowl.

"Mom!" Alice heard another voice call for her. She looks to her left and sees Cheryl making her way to the island.

"What can I do for you, Cher?" She asks as she  sets the mixing bowl on the other side of the island.

Cheryl smiles as she sits down next to BB. She sniffs the air before opening her mouth. "Can Toni stay for dinner tonight?" She asks with a sweet smile.

"I don't see why not." Alice answers as she turns the burner on med-low. Cheryl and Betty high-fived each other before linking arms and heading into the living room.

When Fp woke up the second time. He was fighting to keep the tears at bay. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and dialed Pop's number. After he finished explaining what was going on. Pop Tate gave him a few days off to recoopiate.

He lumbers out of bed and walks into the kitchen. To find an omelet waiting for him on the counter. He smiles down at the note.

"Hey, Baby. I made you some omelets for when you wake up. I went to work and I dropped the kids off at school. I also got Koel into daycare. I'll pick him up. Pop called me and told me you aren't feeling well. You'll be okay, Fp. I love you very much. Enjoy your breakfast or should I say brunch."- Al.

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