6: Inprisoned In The Jar Of Green Eyes

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Chapter 6~ Inprisoned In The Jar
Of  Green Eyes

"Mom, did you forget it's Saturday? There's no school. I just got home. I may have a had too much to drink and Juggie and I stayed at the Wyrm." Her daughter yelled through the door. She could hear her voice slurring sightly. FP and Alice looked at each other, mentally cursing. Oh great, this is just great, she cursed underneath her breath. Betty didn't hear her mom's response, she jiggled the door knob and accidentally opening to her worst nightmare. Her mom and Jughead's dad were in bed naked, her mom had a bed sheet wrapped around her. "Mom!" She exclaimed in horror.

Jughead heard Betty's yell and came racing upstairs, getting an eyeful. "Dad! Oh god really!" He exclaimed as he shoved his hands over his eyes covering them from the sight. FP leaped out of the bed, wrapping himself up in the bed sheet. Alice's face burned in embarrassment as Jughead and Betty tore their eyes away. Shit they forgot to lock her door, she mentally cursed.

"Shit, Jug!" FP cursed as his face redden. Jughead couldn't believe what he had walked into. He didn't want this to be his reality. Alice on the other hand was trying so hard not to curl up in a ball.

"Guys, I'm so sorry. This wasn't meant to happen." She awkwardly said as she waited for their reactions. Betty was very pissed. Her mom was having an affair with her boyfriend's dad. She was the first to say a word since the awkward encounter.

"How long has this been going on?! And I want to know! First dad, now you. God... this family is more fucked up than the Kardashians." She expressed, glaring at her mom. Alice knew this was bad. She wasn't aware of the consequences if they were caught.

"Betty, it happened only twice. The first time was after I spoke at you're school. I'm sorry, Betty." She apologized, avoiding eye contact. Jughead wasn't getting Impatient that his dad hadn't said a word.

"Dad, what's your explanation for this?" He asked still very uncomfortable. "Oh, my god that's why I smelt perfume in our trailer. Oh come on, Dad!" He exclaimed contorting his face in disgust. Betty was now furious, digging her nails.

"Are you kidding me! Seriously while we are at school? My god you have your own tricks. I'm about to stay with Dad! I can't be in here anymore!" She seethed as her nails dug deeper into her palms. Alice didn't like her daughter's attitude.

"Oh don't even start with me young lady. You were shacking up with Jughead on the night of the murder!" She snapped getting extremely irritated. She had been clothed for 10 minutes. They walked in 12 minutes ago. FP's eyes bugged out and then realization hit him, hard in the gut.

"Oh, my that's why my couch is broken and I had to buy a new one. Geez, Boy on our couch the one I slept on with you when I let Betty have the bedroom." He voiced as his face cringed and stomach churned. Now Betty and Jughead's faces were red.

"Mom, I'm sorry for the way I acted. But I didn't want to see this. This was the last thing I wanted to see today." Betty apologized, turning to look at her mom. She then turned to FP. "You really love her don't you? I have seen the way you look at her. I'm not blind, even if your trying to be discreet. I can tell. I just need time before I will be okay with this." She said before walking off. Alice felt the guilt eating up at her.

"Dad, just let me be for awhile. I will be at Archie's when I'm ready to talk." Jughead stated before storming off. "Fuck." FP swore underneath his breath. How the fuck did he end up losing his son once again? Alice felt the same thing. She felt shame as she paced her room.

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