43: Awkward New Years: PT. 1

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Chapter 43: Awkward New Years: PT. 1

A few days later after Fred's unexpected visit. Hermione came over to help Alice pick out her wedding dress. The wedding was a month and half away.

"Al, Fred and I said our sorries! We didn't mean to... um.... that in your hot tub." Hermione explained, hoping Alice would finally let it go.

Alice squinted her eyes trying to get the image out of her head. She didn't want to keep replaying that vivid image her mind. She had seen too much of them.

She held up her hand to stop her," Okay, I get it! I don't need a play by play!" She uttered quickly to stop her.

Hermione's cheeks blushed up," Okay..." She said quietly, helping Alice hang the decorations.

Alice grabbed the box of decorations, thrusting them into Hermione's arms." Here take these to the table in the living room for Betty to hang up."

Hermione nods her head before disappearing into the other room to find Betty flustered. She set the box on the coffee table and then stood up on top of the couch to give Betty some help.

"Here you go. Just a little higher." Betty looked over her shoulder slightly to see who was helping.

She noticed it was Hermione. She lifted the string lights a little closer to the window. She then stepped down from the ladder." Thank you, Ms. Gomez."

Betty didn't know the awkwardness of that night, she and her friends were out at La Bonne Nuit enjoying cocktails and getting their New Year's kisses. As of today was celebrating Betty's birthday.

"Happy Birthday, Betty." Hermione said as she handed her the punch bowl. Betty smiled as she scooped some punch into her cup. "Thanks, Ms. Gomez." She took a sip from her cup and saw Jughead heading over to them.

"Betty, Ms. Gomez, you look very lovely today." Betty blushed and took his hand into hers.

"Thank you, Jughead." Hermione said as she took a sip from her cup. "I like the suit."

"Dad made me wear this--" His sentence was cut short by a pinch to his arm. "And the birthday girl." He added bashfully, still wincing inside his head from the pinch.

"And I think he looks handsome." Betty says as she pecked his cheek.

The doorbell rang breaking their conversation as Betty walks away to answer the door. When she opens the door, she's met with Archie and Veronica. Betty held the door open for them and took the gift bag from Vee.

"V!" Betty hollered causing Veronica to hug her arms around Betty's petite form.

Veronica looked around the room and smiled. She was quite impressed that Betty organized this all herself without her and Cheryl's guidance. She remembered the day Betty asked her mom if she could host a party for her seventeenth birthday.


Betty sat in her room, contemplating whether she should have a birthday bash for her seventeenth. It had been a few months since Jughead's birthday and things have calmed down after Koel was returned to them.

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