10: Undo The Bruising

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Chapter 10 - Undo The Bruising

In the remaining hours, Alice was still freaking out. She's pregnant. She didn't even think it was possible at her age. Her daughter was getting suspicious. She had been taking trips to the bathroom every morning for two weeks. How could she not known? It still was a shock to her.

Betty was awoken by the gross sound of puking coming from their bathroom. Her and her mom were the only ones home. Chic wasn't there anymore. He was dead. She strolled over to the door, the nausea smell reeked. She knocked softly, pressing her ear to the door. She could hear her mom flushing the toilet, she instantly stepped away from the door as soon as she saw it was opening. Her eyes met with her mother's puffy eyes. She looked exhausted.

"Mom, are you okay? You have been feeling like this for weeks." She stopped in the middle of her statement. The signs were all adding up. Mood swings, nausea, loss of appetite. "Are you pregnant?" Her voice shook a little sudden that she even had to ask this question. Alice felt the window let the air in, she proceeded to close the window before turning her attention by to her daughter.

"Of course not. Elizabeth, why do you get these absorbed questions?" She lied right through her teeth. She couldn't believe she just lied. Why didn't she just tell the truth? Betty eyed her mother in suspicion. She knew something was going on. Was her mother cheating on FP? Is that why she didn't say anything. She knew her mom was pregnant. There was no way denying that.

"Mom, Okay. I was just wondering. I better get going. I'm meeting V, Cheryl and Toni to go pick Jug up." She turned back to her mother. "Are you sure your okay?" Her voice creaked in worry. Alice shook her head.

"Yes, I'm fine. Go have fun." She faked a smile before the smile faster then she could keep up with it. Her daughter kissed her forehead and left the house.

Alice let out a huge sigh. This was going be a long day. She decided to visit a friend. It had been years since she had actually talk her. They had a huge falling out. As she got into her car, smiling as she placed her hand gently on her stomach. It had been so long since she had this feeling. She had it with all her children. This one she was going to keep. It maybe awkward. But this was going to happen.

FP spent all night, listening to his son's quiet snores. It helped him feel better. His son wasn't screaming. That's all that mattered to him. The door opened, causing FP to jolt out of his day dream. His son was out of the bed, smiling as he greeted Betty, Veronica and Cheryl. He didn't see Archie. He found it kind of strange.

"Hey, Jug ready to go?" Betty's voice stated with a hint of exhaustion. He tried to ignore the plead his mind was telling him.

"Burgers." That's all Jughead said before rubbing his stomach, laughter filled their lungs.

Meanwhile Archie was heading deep into southside. Sweet Pea told him to prepare for the rumble in two nights. He was nervous, anxious. Was he doing the right thing? All he knew was that he wanted Penny and the Ghoulies to pay. His feet gazed the cold black roads as he turned the corner with his bike. Squeezing the bike triggers tightly to a stop. He glanced up at the red circle he spray painted ignorance. He physical wanted to cringe as he squinted his eyes burning the image away the best he could possible could.

"Red?" He turned to face Sweet Pea, he rubbed his eyes, making sure he wasn't seeing stuff. "You did do that, Red. Regretting coming on our turf?" His voice iced with cold annoyance.

Archie rolled his shoulders back, feeling the intense eyes burning into his back. He knew he was in the wrong. He was just on avenges for his father. He was still incensed about what happened. He was still very anger with Hal Cooper. He wished he had the courage to tell him to go hell. For causing damage to his life and his best friend. Who was torturing herself by reading those nasty comments about her. He lifted his head slightly, lowering his eyes to the ground.

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