5: Not Been Caught (Yet)

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Chapter 5-  Not Been Caught (Yet)

It was the next morning when Alice woke up still intertwined in between his legs. FP looked over to his side and this time she was there, looking him in the eyes, smiling. He felt his heart sweep at the sight of her smile. This was the first time in days he had seen her smile once. She started uncurling herself from his body, stretching out her legs, she was a bit sore. But that the soreness was worth the reward. Her reward was laying right next to her.

He leaned in, planting a good morning kiss on her lips. "Morning, Allie." He said in a raspy morning voice.

She loved how his voice sounded in the mornings. "Morning, FP. We should get dressed. As much as I would love to lay here naked all day with you. I have to make breakfast for Betty." She stated, sitting up in bed, his face turned into an understanding frown.

He didn't want her to get ready. That meant he had to leave. He wanted to stay like this all day. But he had to work.

They continued their affair for a week. Jughead and Betty were still clueless. It was like they tricked everyone. That was until one morning.

An hour before, Betty spent another few days at the Wyrm. Toni and her had gotten closer and were hanging out more with each other. It was now Saturday and she couldn't wait to read at home. She was walking up stairs when she realized she left her book in her mom's room.

"Mom, did you forget it's Saturday? There's no school. I just got home. I may have a had too much to drink and me and Juggie stayed at the Wyrm." She yelled through the door.

She was curious on why her mother was still sleeping. She heard rustling and before she knew it the door was open and she yelled. "Mom!" She was disgusted on what she saw. She wanted to tear her eyes out.

She's never been so angry with her mother and she was also hurt. Of all the people it had to be the person she trusted.

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