41: Spring

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(I'm back to making edits! This is my first FP and Jughead edit. Please watch. I know it is a little choppy. The reason was because I haven't edited for over a year. Please watch ❤️.)

Chapter 41: Spring

FP noticed the changes in the house, constant laughter. Something he hadn't had in so long. Cheryl and Charles were getting along. JB also had slight changes.

She had focused on Koel. Ever since, He was rescued, JB hasn't left him. Alice and FP's wedding was starting to be planned.

"Al, have you seen—" He was cut off by Alice holding Koel's booties, "Booties."

Alice giggles softly," I found them in the oddest place; the backyard pool." FP looked down at his son and then back up at his fiancé.

"Oh, I wonder who," He spoke before turning to the living room; where JB sat enjoying a book with Pink Floyd blaring in her ears.

"Huh?" JB mutters after taking her headphones off, turning down the volume.

FP chuckles softly before shaking his head, "Nothing, JB." JB softly rolled her eyes and muttered," Okkay."

JB and Koel bonded pretty well after the kidnapping. It was almost like it never happened. FP and Alice just hoped that Koel won't be traumatized by the experience. That was the last thing they ever wanted for their child; let alone any child. It was all caused by Clifford Blossom, who turned out to have faked his death. FP spent months trying to sleep when Koel disappeared. He thought his life was going to fall apart.

He wanted to drink the pain away. He knew the consequences. He'd lose his children, Alice would leave him and they might never have found Koel.

A knock at the front door must've spooked the Jones family. Alice wasn't expecting somebody to be at the door this early in the morning. She simply just walked over, pulling at the knob and opened the door.

There stood Toni Topaz with her newly highlighted hair waving in the wind. What amazed Alice was how elegant Toni looked that day. She wore her hair tied back in a high pony.

"Morning, Mrs. Jones." Toni said.

Alice's cheeks flushed, and her cheeks became hot," Well,not yet, Toni." She teased lightly welcoming her in.

Toni knew this, but the wedding planning haven't even begun yet. Alice and FP has been too busy to plan an wedding. A lot had gone on since they gotten engaged.

"Oh,I know that, Alice." She teased back.

Alice pulled a strand behind her ear, looked toward the stairs," CHERYL, Toni is here!" She shouted, Toni's cheeks slowly started to flush red.

A couple moments later, footsteps approached quickly behind Alice's frame. Toni kisses Cheryl lightly on the lips before grabbing her hand.

"Morning, TT." Cheryl whispers into Toni's ears.

"Morning, Cher." She whispers back, kissing Cheryl's right cheek.

Alice went back into the kitchen to make herself something to eat. As she sat down, she realized that she had forgotten about the pancakes from breakfast in the fridge.

"Al? Where's my—" She heard FP call for her.

She sighed before getting out of her seat, walking over to the hallway closet and pulling out the item he was looking for. She saw FP from the corner of her eye.

"Looking for this." She said, holding it out for him.

FP's eyes fill with surprise," H-How do you do that?" He gasps in shock.

Her eyes flutter with a devious gleam," I just do." She teased as she brushed a quick kiss on his cheek.

He leans up to her." What would I do without you?" She just giggles before responding.

"Starve, FP. You would starve without moi." She kissed him lightly on the lips before enjoying her breakfast again.

"Haha, very funny, Alice."

The grin on her lips didn't disappear," I know." He shook his head.

"You watch too much Friends." The grin disappears and was replaced with a glare.

"I do not."

"Do to."

"I do not." She repeated herself.


The following day came by without a sound. It had been a few months since Koel was returned home safely. Christmas had passed, spring was approaching soundly passed them.

Alice looked down at her phone and noticed she had a voicemail. She clicked on her voicemail box. "Hello, this is Foxfix news, we're just getting back to you about your application for the new co-host position. My name is Henry Miles. Call me back at 234-123-7459."

Alice stares at the devices in her hand. She completely had forgotten she applied for this job position. It was over valentine's day and Alice was getting sick of working at The Register. It had so much tainted energy from when Hal and her ran it together. A shiver just shot down her body at the thought.

Hal Cooper had been recently relocated to a different facility due to complications with other inmates. He was now relocated to Cheyenne,Wyoming. She did some research to make sure that it was an legit penitentiary. She wasn't going to have conspire a plan against her. She increased her legal offenses.

"Al!" She heard somebody shout for her. She looked up and noticed FP's worrisome eyes boring into her. He tapped her shoulder," Are you okay? I've been trying to get your attention for the last ten minutes."

She bit her lip, sighing," Actually I have news..."

He looked at her with surprise," You have news too?" He questions.

"Yeah... I do."

He grinned at her," Well? What is your news, baby?"

His smile was priceless to her. He has the cutest smile. She loves the way his lips curl when he smiles. It's so sexy and at the same time... charming.

She walks across the room to meet his gaze. Her eyes met his and she sighs anxiously. She didn't think he regret badly, but she wasn't for sure about that either.

She shakes her head," No, you go first." She lost her nerve. FP grins to himself.

"I got offered to take Tom's position. He decided that he'd rather focus on his son and only does the paper work. I told him I would take it. Isn't that great?" He asked with a cheery smile appearing on his lips.

Alice looks up at him and nods," Oh! That's amazing, FP! I'm so proud of you!"

"Yeah... I told him I would start tomorrow morning.... so maybe celebratory sex?" His lips curling into a struggling effort to stay calm.

Alice could feel his lips hover closer to her nape. The heat began to spread to her core. He pulls his arms around her, holding her against his agitated erection.

"Baby... I have to make dinner..." She struggles to string a sentence together.

His only respond was a soft suckle left on her nape. She moans softly as his lips suck deeper and deeper.

"FP!" She whines.

"Alice." He softly whispers in her ear.

I'm back! I know it's been a long time. I've been very busy and lost the motivation to write this story. But now I'm back! I know it's a short update and a new one is on its way.

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