9: Fury Filled Shotgun

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Chapter 9 - Fury Filled Shotgun

Hours, Hours, hours, Jughead felt like he was lying there dead again. He couldn't move, he felt pins and needles puncturing his legs and lower back. His doctor did some tests. It turns out he might be paralyzed in his lower back. Paralyzed strung his heart like a million shotguns hitting all at once, faster than lighting could strike. FP couldn't forget the look on his son's face when he was told he would might be able to walk again. The pure look of devastation shook his face, it was like you told him he would never be allowed to write or speak his mind. When he heard the news himself, he had to fight back the tears. His son might never be able to walk ever again. Lighting wasn't even cutting it. He felt like he was burning.

Actually burning in hell. Was he in hell? He looked around the room he was standing in and knew it wasn't hell. Was this what he gets for being such a bastard father? The haunting words kept Echoing in his head over and over again but this time more maginetfied. "Mr. Jones, Jughead might be paralyzed. We are very sorry if that's the case. He will never be able to walk on his own." The words got more repetitive in his head. It was like the devil himself was cursing the words and laughing. A few hours ago he found out his son was alive. He was so happy. Why did he have to be punished?

He had no one else to call. If he called, Betty she would start sobbing. If he called Archie, the poor Red would probably lose it. He knew how guilty he felt. If he called Fred, it would tell it would be okay. He finally decided to call Alice. She would be the only one to help him.

Alice was woken up at 9 am. She was in the middle of her day dream. She was so angry, upset about his word last night. Maybe mom can even come back. Those words were like a slap to the face. She thought he loved her. Maybe she was wrong. She walk around the house, when she opened the window the instant smell of burned chemicals burned her nostrils.

A phone rang disturbing her thoughts. She went to reach for the phone. When she saw his name on her screen, she almost wanted to let it go to voicemail. But something in her gut told her it was very serious.

"Hello?" She yawned out from lack of sleep. She was literally up since at the crack of dawn. She didn't sleep well. Her husband was rotting in a jail cell and her daughter was going through a rampage about his existence.

"Allie." His voice was weak, instantly she sat up in her chair, heart racing in her chest. 

"FP, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Her voice was full of concern. She heard him take a deep breath. She could hear his emotions in his voice. This was worrying her? She decided to hop in her car. But first leaving Betty a note before leaving.

"Jug, he might be paralyzed." He choked out, she felt her heart stop for a millisecond. He can't be? He was fine before they went home. Fire striking the shotgun. 

"Oh, my god, FP! I'm so sorry. I will be right there. I'm almost to the hospital." She exclaimed in shock as she turned to corner and into the parking lot.

Pulling into the parking lot sent chills up her spine. As she got out of her car, swarms of reporters started approaching her holding out microphones and pulling out cameras snapping pictures. She felt like she was in the horror film, Scream. She always thought ghostface was the scariest horror she had ever seen. That was until she found out her town turned into the Woodsboro manic killer. The Black Hood was the updated version Of Ghostface. "Mrs. Cooper, how could you not know your husband was a crazy psychotic killer?" One of the many reporters shouted as she covered her face with her arms, shielding herself from all the flashing lights. She felt attacked. It wasn't her fault that her husband was a psycho. A blonde reporter got right up in her face. "Is it true his family murdered the Conway family?" She kept interrogating as Alice tried to dodge the question. FP had came downstairs after he heard on the tv that Alice was getting threats as she tried make her way into the hospital. He threw on his Serpent jacket, even though he knew it would cause a stir.

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