8: When Hurricanes Meets The Dark

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Chapter 8 - When Hurricanes Meets The Dark

"FP?" She called. He slowly turned his head toward her, "Is he breathing?" She asked hoping that her nightmare was over. FP barely had any energy left. He just found his son badly mutualited.

Nobody knows just one day could turn catastrophic. Nobody's aware one word can destroy anything in its path no matter the damage. Betty felt she was drowning in this nightmare she couldn't escape from. It was like this night never ended. One thing then another was thrown at her. As if she could stop the damage before it was even spotted. She just wanted this day to be over with already. She wanted sleep and dream away the painful night.

"Barely, he's barely breathing. We have to go. The ambulance has to show up soon. I can't lose my boy. I just c-an't." FP shuddered as he lifted Jughead back up.

Betty hears sirens blaring in the distance, Cheryl quickly rushes over to them. She feels so much hatred toward the hobbin and Serpent Hag. How could they do this to Jughead? She had so many questions. Toni looked like she was about to collapse as Jughead was put into the ambulance.

FP fought to paramedics--he didn't want to let his son go. The last time he brought a member to the hospital. He never came back. Archie went after Betty who was running away.

"Betty? Stop!" She stopped, turning around and fell to her knees. She felt her chest fired up. She couldn't believe the night she had. She was still shaken by her father's confession. And yet there was another surprise with her father. The Black Hood fiasco was far from over.

"Why today? All of days? I just had to be held hostage! And now my boyfriend's dying! So why shouldn't I want to run!" She screamed as the sirens rushed away. FP's eyes jolt up from the darkened pavement. Archie knows she was breaking. She just found out her own father was the Black Hood and that wasn't it. There was a Second. They weren't exactly save yet.

"Betty, come here. I know you had the worst night. And now this is just the bitter swallow to chew. I know how you feel. My dad was shot. And now my best friend's life is endangered!" He shouted back, relinquishing everything he had. Cheryl couldn't believe he was comparing his dad's sitatution to this.

"Archibald, this isn't the same thing! Her father was the Black Hood!" She snapped, pulling Betty closer to her, Betty cried into her cousin's chest. FP's eyes shot up as he slowly approaching the fragile group. Was Alice okay?

Before he could say a word, Betty's phone rang loud in the darkness, scaring everybody. She answers her phone, still crying into her cousin's shoulder now.

"Hello?" She could hear her mother's frantic state over the phone.

"Betty, where are you? Betty, I need you to answer me. You can't just run off after what happened. Are you safe?" Alice yelled frantically through the speakers. Betty just started sobbing more. "Betty what's wrong? Why are you crying are you okay? Are you hurt?" She said concernedly as she heard her daughter's cries get louder, panic was set in. What was wrong? Why wasn't she answering?

"Mom, I-I... I'm Fine. No, no actually I'm not. Juggie's seriously hurt. I need you meet at the hospital. please mom." She begged as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I think FP really needs you." She whispered so only her mom would hear her.

"Oh, my god! What happened?!" Alice's voice squeaked. She couldn't even believe what was happening. First Hal and Now Jughead. She didn't want this to happen. Betty took a minute before explaining.

"Mom, please just meet us there. We are almost there. And I think you should tell FP yourself what happened. He deserves to know. I love you and I will see you in 10 minutes." She stated before hanging up as she looked over to hospital emergency entrance. 

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