23: Daylight

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Chapter 23- Daylight

Labor day struck before they knew it. Alice awoke to the sweet sounding birds chirping the trees. She was excited for her cravings. She desperately wanted Watermelon with salt. She knows it sounds gross and weird, but it was her craving. She quickly headed to the kitchen and rummaged through the shelves to find some already-cut up watermelon. She opened the cabinet and pulled out a salt shaker. She then twisted it around until she got the desired amount of salt. Lately she had been craving salty and sweet foods. Lately more salty then sweet. Jughead had been nice enough to let her have more of his burgers. Which she appreciates very much.

"Babe!" She heard someone call from downstairs.

She threw off her blankets and opened her bedroom door. With her hand over her rounded belly as she headed downstairs. That was going to pop any day now. She couldn't wait to see her little boy. She hates the feeling of the morning sickness and all the cravings. But she doesn't hate being pregnant or resent it. She very happy she's pregnant. She just hates the symptoms that come with being pregnant.

When she comes downstairs. She sees Fp holding a box of her favorite chocolates. She walked over to him and kisses him adoringly on his cheek before taking the chocolates out of his hand. "Awe babe! You didn't have to get me these." She said as she opened the package and stuffed her face with three chocolates.

"I just get off work and thought since you are on bed rest until you have our baby that I would get you something special." Fp explained as he lightly pecked her lips.

He knew she wasn't happy about being put on medical bedrest and having to miss out on the annual Labor Day picnic in the Pickens Park. She was looking forward to all the food and he knew that.

"Ugh! My doctor sucks." She complained as she stuffed more chocolate into her mouth.

Fp sighs as he pulls her into his arms. "He just wants you to be more careful. You did fall down taking out our new dog."

Alice rolls her eyes and stomps her foot with her hands on her hips. "Oh yeah... the dog you and the kids wanted. I didn't want that mutt." She yammered as she sat down at the table. Fp narrowed his eyes and rubs circles into her back.

"I know that was my dog. But he was so cute, Al." His voice grew softer as he lowered his hand to her growing belly and kissed her swell.

Alice giggled at his face as he continued kissing her swell. She felt and looked like a fat whale. "I feel like a fat whale." She frowned as she stuffed more chocolate into her mouth. He frowned a little before kissing her again.

"I could never think of our baby as a fat whale. You're not, Baby. You're going a human inside you. It's perfectly normal to feel this way, Al." He told her and sat down right to her.

She snorted and puckered her lips. "Whatever you say, Jonesy." She mocked as she threw some powder donuts at his face. He looked shock and she started laughing. "Oops..." She teased as she snatched the donuts bag and quickly waddled upstairs.

Fp rolled his eyes and just shook the powder off his shirt and ate three of the powdered donuts. He loves her so much and can't wait for the day becomes his wife. Gladys was dead, Hal was in prison and Polly was also in prison. Nobody could hurt them anymore. They were free to live their lives. Betty and Jughead were in their junior year. He still couldn't believe his son was almost done with high school. His son will graduate from high school, get out of this town. He was worried that his son wouldn't leave the town. Now he knew for sure that his son would be fine on his own. Soon he'll have a little brother. Jellybean, JB grew to like the idea. It took some convincing on his part. A lot of Vinyls and ice cream. Yep his little girl found a way to outsmart him. Alice and Jellybean got a bond too. Jughead and Alice bonded over food. Which still confused Betty and Fp more than anything.

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