14: Battle In The Red

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Chapter 14- Battle in The Red

Veronica's phone was buzzing across her room. It was only four hours since she got out of school. School had official ended for the summer. It was long day of constant stares as they walked through the halls. She picked her legs off the side of the bed, swiftly drags her feet across her room over to her makeup desk. Her phone was lit up with urgent messages. She had one from Mary, Archie's mom and the other was from Fred, Archie's Dad. She clicked on the message from Mary first. "Have you seen Archie?" That was weird, Veronica thought as she swiped to the next message. "Veronica is Archie with you? He's not at the house and I called Jug's and he's not there either. Fp said he hasn't seen him since he dropped Jug off for school." Her heart was pounding. He wasn't here with her. She sent him home hours ago. Where could he be?

Betty was in her room when Veronica bursted into her room in panic, blood shot eyes and more panic. She set down the book she was reading on the other side of her. Her eyes met with her frantic best friend's eyes. She could of sworn she saw her heart break. Break right into two. Slicing right down the middle.

"V, what's wrong?" Sobs escaped the Latina's throat as her arms were thrown around her. "V, shh just breathe." Soft words were drowned out by the sobs shaking the girl's body.

Her sobs start to fray, words became coherent to ears. Veronica sniffled as she rubbed her eyes to keep the tears held back. She didn't want to cry. She had to find Archie. That was her top propriety.  

"I don't know where Archie is. Nobody has seen him. I'm freaking out here, B!" She cried as she latched onto her best friend as she choked on her sobs.

Little did she know, Archie Andrews was fighting for his righteousness. His best friend was almost taken from him. He wasn't letting the Ghoulies get away with hurting his best friend. It was time for them to pay. There was no one who was going to stop him from getting his vengeance. He wanted blood for what they did to Jughead.

"Ready Andrews? No turning back after we cross the line. That's it. No outs."
He nodded his head at the order and they hopped the fence.

It was dark. It might have been one of darkest nights Archie had ever seen in his life. The fence shook as he hopped over. He handle the switchblade tight in his hand. In a almost death grip. His phone kept buzzing. He took a glance. Many were from his father and mother. He knew there was a chance. More like a probably he wouldn't make it out alive. He was okay with that fact. He had been living by that statement since his father was shot by his childhood neighbor. His best friend was almost taken from him.

"Oh red. This is going to be fun." The leader of the Ghoulies said as he pulled out his blade.

Archie turned to Fangs and Toni. "Tell my dad I loved him and he was a great father." Toni nodded. She found this plan foolish.

She decided it was time to alert the big gun. Fp Jones. He needed to know. Her hand shook as she dialed the number. Her lips her trembling. "Hello?" She heard him answer. She was scared. How would he react.

"Jones we have a problem."

Fp was sitting in his trailer with Jughead on the phone. His phone rang. He recognized the number. When he answered he heard Toni's voice. It sounded like she was in danger. And when she said they had a problem. His mind was racing.

"What kind?" He didn't know what kind. But it sounded bad from the sound of Toni's voice.

"Archie he's fighting for us. Sweet Pea recruited him like the idiot he is. You need to get here now! He told me to tell his dad he loved him and that he was a great dad. Jones I'm afraid." His heart was pounding. He can't believe this was happening again. Right underneath his nose. He knew that Archie wanted blood for Jughead. But this. It was pure stupidity.

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