46: Sept.13th - Horsey

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Chapter 46: Sept. 13th- Horsey

September 13th, 2019

A year had passed on like time had been wrangle with. One year ago today, Their youngest Koel had been born on a faithful, breezy September day. It was also the debate of the decade. Alice and Jughead were sitting on that couch, watching Friends - re-runs on Netflix, having a debate when Koel decided to enter the world earlier than Sept. 21st. Of course his family hadn't been prepared for such a change in the due date, FP had been in Wisconsin for Veronica's licensing to gain permission to open La Bonne Nuit, and Betty had been trying to avoid a whole debate over Friends again.

"Mama!" Cried one year Koel, bouncing on his butt, in his little tot bed.

Alice came into the room to find Koel, laughing and smiling at her. She walked over to the toddler bed and picked him up in her arms and cooed affectionally with a tickle to his tummy.

"Happy birthday, Koel! You are one today!" She announced with a happy smile, written into her face.

After the year they had before, she hoped for better things. She had been married to her husband for seven months now. The kids were exactly a year away from graduating. Actually it was their senior year. The school semester was about to be two weeks in. Her Betty was about to an adult and Jughead's birthday was coming up again.

She made breakfast for her family of seven. Charles was coming into town after a long break in Denver for a case. She was proud of her eldest son for all his accomplishments.

"Morning, hubby." She kissed him as soon as he walked into the kitchen.

FP smiled at his wife and returned the kiss before pulling back and began to read the morning paper. It was his youngest' birthday today. He was excited and relieved. A lot happened that FP wished he could forget. "Mmmh, that smells delicious!" He sniffed the air, eager to sneak a taste.

Alice places a plate in front of her husband and smiled. "Thank you!" FP said, taking his fork and knife and began to cut into the pancake.

Alice sat down next to FP, JB was on the other side of the table, secretly feeding the dog underneath the table. "JB!" She pokes her head up to see Alice staring at her.

"What?" The pre-teen tried to pretend. Alice gave her a look that said,"I know what you did" She sank her back into the chair.

"You were feeding Midnight bacon again?" The wife questioned, JB slowly nodded her head.

"I was.." JB added with a guilty look in her eye. "I'm sorry." The apology was almost barely a whisper, but Alice and FP both heard it.

"Where's Jug at?" Cheryl said as she took a chair that was the window. She always preferred a window seat over any other kind. She guessed her socialist ways hadn't disappeared on her.

"Probably in bed still." Jellybean muttered disgustingly. A part of her didn't know why Jug and Betty were still together. "With Betty." She added, rolling her eyes.

Cheryl and JB shared a glance and broke into a conversation. FP shrugged his shoulders when Alice gave him a look. It wasn't long before both Betty and Sleepy-head Jones came downstairs.

"I knew I smelt something good!" Jughead commented happily and grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate. The family smiled at the raven boy and rolled their eyes.

"Thanks, Jug! I got early and made sure you had a good breakfast before you don't come home no more." Alice joked.

Jughead smiles." Of course, I'll see come home, Mom. You are a great cook and well I have nowhere else to go."

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