25: Fragile In The Mix

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Chapter 25- Fragile In The Mix

September, 14th, 2018

The next First few hours were critical for Fp and Alice. Sleep schedule was a mess. Getting little to no sleep. They were fighting their eyes to stay awake. Koel kept them up for hours on end.

Alice groaned as she flipped from her side to her back. She cried as she hit the call button on the side of her bed. She wasn't happy to wake up like this. She knew the baby would need a lot of her attention but she already missed her sleep and it hadn't even been a day. "Fp?" She whisper-yelled to get him to wake up. She was too sore to move her legs.

Fp heard someone calling his name. He slowly blinked his eyes and adjusted to the new sounds. A baby's cry. He groaned and headed over to Alice. He looked at the clock on the wall and groaned quietly again. It was two in the morning. It was too early and he would need to be at Pop's soon. He didn't want to leave Alice alone but he had to.

"Yes, Al?" He muttered as he handed Alice their little baby.

He watched as she sat up and undid her gown and Koel latched on. He never seen a baby learn that quickly. Alice was surprised as well. Normally Babies take longer to figure things out on their own. She could tell that Koel already got her smarts.

"Thanks for getting Koel. I just still can't quite move my legs. Their still sore."

Fp understands and was happy to help in anyway. Tomorrow they could go home. They both couldn't wait to go home. Alice hated hospitals and their food was just terrible. She really still craved Pop's. She always craved Pop's diner. Their the best burgers in town and no doubt on that.

"You're welcome, Al." He said softly as he kissed her forehead. Alice smiled and returned the kiss to his forehead as well. Fp sighed as he looked at the clock and laid by her side.

September, 15th, 2018

Alice was released to go home. Fp helped her get Koel into their car seat. It only took him a few Minutes to figure out the stupid buckle. After that was all figured out. Alice handed him the car seat and he set him down on the base. The ride back to the house wasn't horrible. Fp drove into the driveway and parked. He took the car seat off the base and walked inside. They were met by the kids. Betty held the door open for her mother as they walked inside. It was a nice day. No rain and it wasn't too windy. All very good signs. Jellybean hopped on one foot as she waited patiently for Baby Koel to come in the house. She couldn't wait to hold her baby brother again. He was still just as tiny as he was a few days ago.

She sat on the couch with her arms already in the cradle position. Alice smiled at the ten-year-old. She could just tell how excited she was by the way her legs her crossed and her feet cemented to the carpeting. "Alright, JB, I see you're already, huh?" She giggled as she set Koel in her arms.

Then she turned to Betty." Make sure you watch her. I'll be back. I just have to put this in the fridge." She instructed before grabbing the freshly made bottle and left the room.

Alice walks into the kitchen, dancing over to the fridge and places the fresh bottle inside. The first thing she can't wait to do— was a nap. She read online that you really should sleep while the baby's sleeping. Before she heads upstairs, She grabs her purse and takes out her wallet.

Betty watches as her mother came into the living room looking pissed. Oh shit— She found out. The way her eyes burned into hers only frightened Betty even more.

"Who ate my ice cream sandwiches?'! Fp glances at Jug. Jughead shook his head and looked at Jellybean.

Jellybean who was completely zoned out looks up and huffs. "No, I didn't take any." That only left Alice with one last person. And she knew exactly who it was.

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