Part 4

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Something about the petite brunette in front of him made Lincoln want to cave. To surrender to her. Last night was actually the most eventful evening he'd had in months. And although it wasn't exactly the idea way to meet someone, he was grateful that she found her way to his doorstep.

All he was capable of doing now, was giving her his number. "There. Now, if you ever get lost or have a bad dream you can call me." He tried to be as smooth as possible, but his infatuation of her was quite obvious. She didn't seem to mind it though. "Thank you" her tiny voice replied.

   That whole day, Lincoln just couldn't get Octavia out of his head. Lincoln's  sister and her daughter, Anna were coming over for dinner so he cleaned up a bit. Not that the house was messy, he just tidied up. He found a black sweater in the bathroom. Octavias. He got a little too excited, he had a chance to call her now... but then he realized she was the one with his number.

      The doorbell rang, shuffling and voices growing louder as he left the bathroom. He walked to the front and smiled. "Tio!" Anna came running over to the giant man, Lexa reaching out for her daughter but misses. "Hey you have your boots on still!" She exclaimed and Lincoln just chuckled waving it out of concern. "Don't worry about it." He picked up his niece and threw her up a couple times. "How you doing little munchkin." She laughed, the most adorable giggle. "That your girlfriends?" His sister teased tugging at the sweater. "No." He said in a playful but almost defensive tone and put the sweater down.

     The hours passed, slower than usual. Lexa was going on and on about work and Anna's ballet course and Lincoln was trying to listen, but kept dozing off into his own thoughts. What if he never saw her again? What was he going to do with her sweater.. he couldn't keep it. It would just sit there and haunt him. Maybe goodwill.  "Hey Linc." Lexa broke his train of thought, waving her hand in front of his face. "You ok? You seem really distracted." She seemed annoyed. He didn't mean to be distracted. "No, Im good." He nodded with a smile trying to convince her. Just then the doorbell rang, his safety. "I'll get that." He stood smiling, mostly to get out of this confrontation.

He opened the door and to his surprise Octavia was standing in front of him. "Nice to see you all dry." He said stupidly, without even thinking. She blushed, smiling all cute and looked down so he assumed that was a good sign. "I forgot my sweater here.." She pushed a strand of lose hair behind her ear. "Ahh yes." He nodded and reached back, grabbing the sweater and held it up to her. "Thanks." She took it and smiled. "Tio!!! Can I have ice cream!" Anna came running up to the front. "Anna! We just had dinner." Lexa followed her over. Both of them stopping when they saw Octavian. "Oh Hi!" Lexa smiled brightly. "Hello." Octavia answered politely. "So um. Ya, thanks." She held up the sweater looking at Lincoln. "Aww your not staying." Lexa said, brushing back Anna's hair. "Oh no." Octavia backed up. "Awww." Anna giggled, matching her moms tone. "You should stay.. we are having ice cream." Lincoln gave her a smile, hoping she'd say yes, maybe he'd be able to focus more on his sisters stories.

"Yeah!! Ice cream." Anna ran off giggling. "No, I'm ok, it's ok really." Octavia smiled and shook her head. After Lexa followed Anna into the kitchen, Lincoln looked back at Octavia. "I don't want to interrupt time with your family." She said holding her sweater close. He smiled and leaned against the door he was holding open. "No, you won't. The more the merrier right. And besides. It's just ice cream." He convinced with a smile. She stood there, she was hesitant. "Ok." She nodded. "Ok?" He was surprised. "Mhm. O K. You need me to say it again....Tio." She giggled and walked in. "Haha... so funny." He nudged her playfully before closing the door behind her.

     Lincoln walked into the kitchen with her, she sat at the table, where she sat this morning. "You stayed! That's great. Im Lexa and this is Anna." Lexa introduced. "I'm Octavia." They shook hands. "Ok! So who wants ice cream." Lincoln clapped his hands together, standing in front of the fridge. "Mee! Mee!! Me!" Anna began to jump up and down. "Mee! Mee!! Me!" He leant down and mimicked her before booping her nose. He lifted her, sitting her onto the counter. "Alright. We got some vanilla, chocolate or strawberry." He pulled open the freezer door already knowing what she was going to say. "The pink one!" He laughed and grabbed a couple bowls. "Alright pink it is for you, my little munchkin. What about you. Octavia, you like strawberry? Chocolate? Vanilla?" He asked working on Anna's bowl. "Mmm chocolate of course." She smiled and he nodded. "Both of you are wrong. Vanillas the best." He smiled confidently before handing the bowl over to Anna and then began to make Octavias.. "Uncle Lincy, can you come to my school and talk about your fireman work." Anna asked. "My fireman work huh?" He smiled and walked over handing Octavia the bowl of ice cream, she whispered a thank you. "Oh ya. I was gonna ask you linc. They have a career day and apparently Anna doesn't want to bring me in because taxes are boring." Lexa rolled her eyes moving to pick Anna up off the counter. "Heehee taxes." He turned to laugh with Anna who was giggling away. "Sure I would love to." He nodded and then put the ice cream away.

     Lexa was having car trouble, so Lincoln  went out to help her try and start the car. Octavia and Anna stayed in the kitchen eating their ice cream. Once he got the engine to start again he turned to his younger sister. "Seriously. You need a new car lex." Lexa rolled her eyes and brushed it off. "It's fine." She mumbled.

Lincoln walked back inside while Lexa packed the car. The kitchen was full of giggle. Stopping, Lincoln listened, curious to what they were talking about. "I like you. You look like a princess." Anna's slurred voice giggled out. "Awww. Thanks, I like you too, but I think you're the princess here." Octavia answered. "Really." Anna's voice sounded so happy. "Mhm. Your pretty face and your gorgeous curly hair... most definitely a princess."

  "Not your girlfriend huh." Lexa spoke standing behind him. "Jesus lex! And no." He spun around. "You scared the crap out of me!" He whacked her and she laughed walking into the kitchen. He rolled his eyes and followed her. "Ok! Let's go Anna." She wiped her face and fingers. "Bye Bye Otabia." Anna smiled completely murdering her name, but she tried. "Bye Bye Anna." Octavia smiled back.

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