Part 15

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Octavia has been in a coma the past 2 months. Bellamy comes to visit her every two weeks. Lincoln goes to work every night and then during the day, he goes to the hospital. Everyday, he brings new flowers and sits on the chair holding her hand as he reads to her. Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.

"And as the Prince laid a kiss on her soft pail lips, she slowly opened her eyes. The curse had been lifted with one the loves kiss and they lived happily ever after." Lincoln closed the book and put it on the side. Bellamy's was on his way to the hospital now. Before Lincoln left, he gently kissed the top of her head and checked the monitor. "93" Hasn't changed.

Lincoln was driving home, when he heard a breaking news alert. He turned up the volume. "A group of people known as the grounders are wanted for ilegal gang communication. Part of the trikru town. These people are armed and dangerous. From drug dealers to murderers. If found please contact local authorities right away." Lincoln turns off the radio and makes a turn down the grounders ally.

He slowly gets out of his car and walks past the guys. Sharpening knives and counting drugs. He slowly walks down the ally clenching his wrists. "Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln. Your back again." The voice comes out from behind a cloud of smoke. "Just came here to warn you." Before Lincoln can finish his sentence he is held to the throat with a knife. "Can't we just kill him." The guys screams out. "Stand down Wells!" The voice says. "Ugh." He let's go of Lincoln and walks inside. Lincoln reaches up to his neck and rolls his eyes. "I'm serious." He reaches his hands in his pocket and clicks his phone dialling the police. "I don't know why I'm helping you assholes when you shot my girlfriend and tried to kill her." Lincoln holds his hands up. "But the cops are after you. And it's a shoot to kill order." Lincoln says. "We should just kill him here!" Someone screams. "Ya!" A guy comes running over to Lincoln and punches him. Lincoln flips him over and steps on him. "I'm trying to help." "He's telling the truth!" A voice from the back screams. "Why are you helping us" Someone asks. "Cause I'm a nice guy." He says. "Well I got to go. Toodleloo!" Lincoln turns around when he hears the sirens. "What is that." People start turning around. Lincoln starts running. "Stop him!" 3 guys start running after him. Lincoln jumps up onto the garbage bin and starts to climb the wall. The police come in and everyone starts shooting at them. They start shooting back. 1 of the guys gets shot down. "Oh shit." Lincoln continues to climb and one guy grabs his ankle. Lincoln looks down and smashes his face with the bottom of his shoe. "Sorryyy!" He looks back up and climbs to the top of the roof.

He looks down at all the commotion. Out of 17 guys, 9 were shot and 8 were arrested. I did it. Finally. Lincoln thought to himself. If only this happened 2 months ago.
At the hospital, Bellamy was talking to Octavia when the doctor walked in. "Good, you still talk to her." The doctor smiles checking all her monitors. "How's she doing?" Bellamy asks. "The same." The doctor says. "Lincoln must really love her. I don't know what it is between you two. But he cares about her. I guess it's just a brother thing. Little sisters boyfriends. But she's lucky to have you two." He says. "Does he visit her a lot." Bellamy asks. The doctor smiles and looks at Bellamy. "He's here everyday. He comes every morning with new flowers and sits in that chair holding her hand and reads to her. Snow White I think?" The doctor says. "Yeah. It's cute." He smiles. Bellamy looks over at Octavia and then to the small table beside her. He picks up the book and flips through the pages. "Our mom use to read it to us. I never like it but it always made Octavia feel better when she was hurt or sick." Bellamy smiles. "Thank you." Bellamy stands up and leaves the room.

That night before work, Lincoln went home to feed the dog. She's been alone for a while now. Lincoln hasn't slept at home since the night. He tries to take naps during the day at the hospital but it's kind of hard to sleep in the broad day light. He sometimes try's to sleep at the station. He walks outside and locks the door. As he's walking to the car he sees Bellamy pull up and get out. "Bellamy? Is everything ok? Octavia?" Lincoln gets worried. "No no. Everything's fine. I just wanted to talk to you. I wanted to thank you." Bellamy says. "Thank me?" Lincoln raises his eyebrow. "Yeah. I know this isn't your fault. And I know this is hard on you too. You visit her everyday?" Bellamy asks. "Of course." Lincoln says. "Well the doctor was right. She's lucky to have you" Bellamy smiles. "She's lucky to have both of us." Lincoln replies. Bellamy nods. "Well I'll let you get to work." Bellamy says walking back to the car. "I'll see you tomorrow, before you leave?" Lincoln asks opening the car door. "Yeah I'll come say goodbye." Bellamy gets in his car. They wave goodbye and both drive away.

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