Part 6

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*Beep* *Beep* Octavia groaned rolling over to the other side of her bed. She smacked her hand down to her phone snoozing her alarm clock.

*Ding* *Ding* Her phone goes off again. "Ughh SHUT UP" She abruptly grabbed her phone and answered. "Hello." She mumbled half asleep. "Well someone's still not a morning person." Remarks a familiar voice. "Bellamy?" She squints her eyes adjusting to the lighting. "That's me!" He replies. She rolled over onto her back and smiled into the phone. "So how have you been O?"
"I've really missed talking to you Bell"
"I know. I missed it too. But I have some good news! I'm coming to New York for a business trip. I'll spend the weekend with you." He told her. "Really?! When?" She asked all excited, haven't having seen her big brother in a month. "Friday."

"Friday? Like tomorrow?" She questioned. "Yep." He replied. "Im so excited! Ok I'll text you tonight because I really have to get ready for work now." She said with a groan, dragging herself out of bed. "Yes get ready. Chop Chop. Have a good day." He hung up before she had a chance to answer. "Wha... love you too." She mutters sarcastically.

The day was long and boring, but lunch rolled around and Octavia could finally take a break. She was sitting at her desk, eating her left over rice and beans from last night when she got a text from an unknown number.
Come down Stairs ;)
She reread the number over again and thought to herself. She had a horrible habit of forgetting to add contact names. It couldn't been anyone from Bellamy to Raven. She let out a gentle sigh and got up from her seat and quietly left her desk.

She took the elevator down to the lobby and stood by the reception desk. Hearing footsteps behind her, about to turn around but was too late and hands covered her eyes. "Guess who!" She gasped and giggled pulling the hands away. "Lincoln what are you doing here?" She asked turning around. "More importantly! What are you doing here?! You didn't know it was me and you came! I could have been a murder." He rose an eyebrow. "But... You're not. And besides, Your Winky face was intriguing." She smiled all innocently. "Mhm... well. I was thinking maybe I could take you out to dinner tomorrow." He suggested. "Ooooo. That sounds amazing. But, my brother's coming tomorrow and he's staying with me for the weekend." Octavia told him with a frown, only because dinner with him was something she didn't want to turn down. "Oh your big brother. Well that's all good. We can go out another night."  He nodded understandingly.

"Yeah." She frowned but it soon faded as she got an idea. "You know what! You should come over for dinner this weekend. Meet my brother." She suggested. "Umm.... Yeah ok." He scratched his head. "What...." she said frowning. "Nothing. No, yeah sure I'll come over." He said and smiled. "Lincoln.... Bellamy's cool. He'll like you....maybe. But don't worry!" She smiled. "That's reassuring." Lincoln frowned a little. "I'll talk to him. Trust me." She tells him. "Mkay." He nods. "I gotta get back to work before someone realizes im gone...but thanks for not being a murder." She smirked and kissed him quickly before walking off.

Friday went by quickly. Octavia got home, showered and changed into some comfortable clothes before walking to the kitchen and started to cook dinner.

*Ding Dong* The doorbell rang and Octavia squealed, racing over to the door. She flung it open and swung her arms around her big brother. "Woah! I've been missed!" He says and hugs Octavia back. "You have no idea" she smiled and pulled away. "Hey! who's this?" She crouched down to a small golden retriever puppy. Bellamy held the leash. "This is Peanut, she's 4 weeks old." Bellamy explained walking in, unleashing the puppy and closing the door behind him, placing his bags down.

"Awwww. She is so cute I love herrrr." Octavia giggled playing with the puppy. "Yeah, Clarke's dog had puppies and she's selling them. I brought her for you, Clarke thought of the idea. Like a little something from back home to keep here." Bellamy tells her. "Oh my god! Really!! Thank you! Thank you!" Octavia exlaimed and picked up the puppy, peanut licking her entire face as Octavia laughed softly.

During dinner the two caught up, clearly having missed each other because they sat there chatting long after their plates where empty. As it got later, Octavia started to hesitate, struggling to figure out how to bring up Lincoln. "So how's Clarke? How are you guys?" She looked up from her empty plate. "Good, Clarke's doing good at the animal clinic and we are good." He smiled. "She misses you, says she wished she could've come but with her mom and all, it's not the best time." He explained. "No no I completely get it. How is Abby anyways? Getting any better?" She asked curiously. Bellamy only shook his head and Octavia frowned. "I wish I could be there for her. Maybe I'll come down soon." She suggested and Bellamy smiled. "I'm sure she'd liked that.. So have you made any friends?" He asked but Octavia froze and stared down at her plate. Well she made a friend... but were they only friends? "O...." Bellamy rose his eyebrow confused. "Hmm?" She looked up. "Is everything okay? Is it because you still haven't met anyone.. I know it can be hard." He reached his hand out. "You'll find some friends soon." He reassured and Octavia only nodded.

After Octavia's shower, she walked over to the living room and passed in back of Bellamy who was sitting on the couch. Her eyes widen, taking a second look at his computer screen. He was on Facebook, scrolling through Lincoln's account, how freakin coincidental. "Umm... what are you doing?" Octavia leaned over his shoulder.  "Ehmmm. Stalking my recommended friends. Look at this dude. I always get the weirdest people." Bellamy laughed. "Oh.." She hopped over the couch and sat beside him.

He was scrolling through his page making comments about everything. "Woow! He thinks he's cool. He is probably a psychopath or something." Bellamy remarks. Octavia raised an eyebrow at him. "It's true! Look at all his tattoos, gang symbols, MS? That's crazy insane. Bad shit stuff. And what's this? A random language." Bellamy only rolled his eyes. "It's Japanese." Octavia muttered under her breath. "What? What's Japanese." Bellamy asked looking over at her. "Nothing. The tattoo. Yep I took Japanese classes in high school." She said to cover her tracks. "No you didn't?" Bellamy looked at her, knowing for a fact she didn't take any foreign language. "Yep I did. Oh look he also has a motorcycle." She pointed to the screen trying to change the subject. "Wow! That's a good bike. Omg is that his house in the back. Well what do you know he's probably a snobby rich dude." Bellamy chuckled. "OKAY." Octavia slammed his computer closed and stood up. "I'm going to bed now. Good night." She stomped off. "Um, okay? Love you." Bellamy said all confused. "Unhun." She growled back. Bellamy shrugged and opened his computer back up.

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