Chapter 53

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10 years ago
June 23rd

It was a really hot summer day, Lincoln was out with Annabelle and Julianna. He brought them to the zoo. Octavia was at home cooking something, she was 8 and a half months pregnant.

She bend down and grabbed the lasagna out of the oven. Just as she was coming back up her head went fussy and her arms went weak. She quickly closed the oven door and hunched over. She's been having hot flashes all day but she didn't want to worry Lincoln so she kept brushing them off.

That night, after supper, Octavia was sitting in the bathroom watching Julianna play in the bath. "Look mommy. It's my ducky." She plays with her rubber duck. Octavia smiles and leans her head back against the wall holding her belly. Lincoln walks in and strokes Octavia's hair. "You should go lay down. I'll get her out." He tells her and Octavia nods getting up and walks out of the bathroom. Lincoln grabs a towel and opens it up. "Come on lil monkey. Time to get out." He tells her and she stands up. Lincoln wraps her In the towel and picks her up drying her off then drains the tub and puts her pyjamas on. He starts combing the knots out of her hair.

      Octavia was thirsty so she walked downstairs into the kitchen to get something to drink. She got a bottle of water and left the kitchen. As she was walking back up the stairs, she felt a sharp pain in her lower stomach and another hot flash. This time it was different. "Mmm" She whimpers in pain. She looked down and saw a puddle of water under her feet. Another sharp pain when by and she griped onto the railing tightly. "Lincoln!" She yells. The pains get stronger and stronger and she lets out a cry. "Linc!"

   Lincolns upstairs getting Julianna ready for bed when he hears Octavia. He picks julianna up from off the bathroom counter and then runs down the stairs to Octavia. "What's wrong?!" He asks. "My water broke!" She groans still in pain. "Ok." He lifts her up and walks all the way down the stairs. "I'm going to bring you to the car." He walks outside and puts her in the car. "I'll be back." He tells her and she nods. He walks inside and grabs a bag filling it with things. "Daddy?" Julianna's at the top of the stairs looking down at him. "Oh hey baby. We are going to go on a little trip." He tells her walking up the stairs over to her. She nods when he picks her up and walks down the stairs with her.

      He quickly goes outside to the car and puts Julianna in the back. "Hi mommy." She smiles as Lincoln buckles her up. "Hey Jules." She giggles. Lincoln smiles and walks around getting in the drivers seat. "How you feeling amour?" He looks over at Octavia and starts the car. "Ok." She smiles. "Great. So I can stop at McDonald's? I'm kinda hungry." He smiles at her. She smacks his arm and frowns. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" He chuckles and drives down the street.

    Julianna starts humming a song and quietly sings in Spanish. Lincoln looks at her through the mirror and smiles.  They pull up to a red light and wait. All of a sudden, Octavia reaches her arm out to Lincoln and screams. He looks at her and then goes through the light quickly going to the hospital. She groans and leans her head back. "Daddy you passeded a red light." Julianna looks back. "It's ok sweetie we have to get to the hospital." He tells her and continues driving fast passing cars. Octavia squeezes Lincoln's arm. "Holy Fuck!" She cries out and groans. "Mommy said a bad word." Julianna says. "It's ok Jules." Lincoln says and pulls up to the hospital. He quickly gets out and runs to the back getting Julianna out and then gets Octavia. He grabs a wheel chair sitting Octavia down and rolling her inside. Julianna's following behind holding Lincolns hand, she's still in her pyjamas. "Call Bellamy." Octavia looks up at him as nurses come to take her. "Linc I need you." She says and tears fall down her face. "I promise I'll come." He tells her and they roll her away.

     Lincoln calls Bellamy and then sits with Julianna in the waiting room until he comes. "Daddy's going to go in the room with mommy and you are going to wait here with uncle Bell ok?" He tells her and she nods. He smiles and places a kiss on her head. Bellamy walks in running over to them. "Where is she?" He asks. "In the room, I'm going to go. Stay with her." He gets up. Bellamy nods and gives him a quick hug. "Tell her I love her." He whispers.

     Lincoln runs into the delivery room. Octavia's laying in the bed and reaches her arms out to Lincoln. She's all drugged up and loopy. "Hey baby. How are you doing." He asks squeezing her hands gently and kisses her knuckles. "How am I doing..... Thats a fucking stupid question! IM ABOUT TO PUSH A CHILD OUT OF MY VAGINA! How do you think I'm doing?!" She tells and the doctor comes over and chuckles. "Why are you laughing old guy?!" She frowns. "Ok O be nice." Lincoln laughs. Octavia smacks him and flips him off. "Fuck off hoe." She leans back. The doctor laughs again and then checks to see how dilated she is. "You're ready. You gotta push" He tells her.

      The doctors and nurses are all talking while Octavia's pushing. She screams and groans squeezing Lincoln's hand. "1 more push Octavia." The doctor says.  She's so tired and in so much pain. Things starts to go blurry and her hearing is all messed up. She's crying and her nails are digging into Lincoln's hand. She looks up at him and he's smiling at her gently pushing her hair back from her sweaty forehead. "Almost amour. Push." He tells her quietly. She shakes her head telling him she can't do it. And he nods. "You can." She watches him, she stares at his eyes as she pushes one last time and all the pain goes away when she hears the screaming baby. She looks up and sees the doctor holding up the bloody, crying baby.

      The doctor immediately placed him on Octavia's chest and he stops crying. "Hi buddy." She giggles while tears of joy fall down her face. "So much hair". She feels his small head. Lincoln smiles happily and kisses Octavia's head. "I love you." He tells her.

    The doctor takes him back to clean him up. When he's all clean and wrapped in a blanket, the doctor hands him to Lincoln. The small baby fits into Lincoln's arms so perfectly. He's so delicate and fragile. Tears of joy slide down Lincolns cheeks as he sees his little hand pop out. Lincoln gently kisses it and smiles. He walks over to Octavia and smiles. "He's beautiful." He says. Octavia smiles tiredly and watches them.

     A little while later, Bellamy walks in with Julianna. "Hey guys." Lincoln gets up gently rocking the sleeping baby. "You wanna see you're little brother?" He asks Julianna. "Yes." She giggles excited. Lincoln crouches down to her and shows her the baby. "This is Jayden." He tells her. "He's so cute." She smiles. Lincoln smiles. "Yeah, he is. And he's very small so you have to be gentle." He tells her. She leans over and softly kisses him.

     Bellamy walks over to the bed and hugs his little sister. "Hey lil sis. I'm so proud of you." He says "I know. You tell me all the time Bell." She lets out a weak laugh. "Because it's true." He smiles. "You want to hold him?" Lincoln walks over to Bellamy. He nods and takes the small baby from Lincoln's arms. Julianna's standing there staring at Octavia. "Come here little monkey." She smiles and waves her over. Julianna giggles and jumps over hopping on the bed. Octavia hugs her tightly and kisses her cheek. "You happy? You wanted a brother." She says. Julianna nods. "Good. Because you are not getting another one." She laughs. Julianna leans against her and closes her eyes. Lincoln walks over and sits beside them in the bed. Octavia's half asleep and Julianna is already passed out. Bellamy walks over to them and hands the baby to Lincoln. "Congrats man. Thank you. For giving her all this. She's happy. I love you for that." He hands him the baby and leaves. Lincoln smiles happily and looks at his family proudly.

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