Part 12

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"Lincoln?! When did you get a dog?!?" Lexa ran up the stairs, barging through Lincoln's room door.
"What the heck?" Lincoln sat up, rubbing his eyes. Raising an eyebrow when he saw Lexa standing at the door frame. "Woah. Sorry didn't know you had company." She pressed at her lips.
Octavia groaned out, still asleep on her stomach face down on the bed with only her shorts on. Lincoln reached over and pulled the sheets up over her bare back and crawled out of bed grabbing his shirt.
"What are you doing here?!" Lincoln whispered pushing Lexa out of his room and closed the door behind him. "Shhh. She barley slept last night." He added, yawning. "Obviously not" Lexa laughed.
"Ok. First of all it was like 80 degrees last night and second ew your my little sister never think like that while I'm in the same room with you again." Lincoln scolded. "That is Octavia... right?" Lexa squinted. "Yea! It's Octavia! Gosh Lex did you need something?!" He asked grumpily, him too not having the best sleep last night. "Um ya. Anna's upset you left her party the other day. She wants you to bring her out. I told her you'd take her sometime today." Lexa smiled brightly. "Ok. I'll bring her for ice cream later." Lincoln nodded. "Mkay thanks. I've got some things to do anyways. By the way, she loves the bracelet Octavia got her. She wears it all the time." Lexa tells him. "I like her. I think she's good for you." She says. "Hmm.. I like her too. Not to be rude but I'm exhausted Lex, can you leave now? I'll pick up Anna later." Lincoln reassured. "Wow when did you get so old." She nudges him and then laughs. "Thank you for taking Anna out." She smiled and the spun around, skipping down the steps to leave.  Lincoln rolled his eyes and shook his head. He walked back in the room and crawled back in bed. "Hmm?" Octavia rolled over and opened her eyes looking up at Lincoln. "Where'd you go?" She mumbled half asleep. "No where. Go back to sleep." He told her,  leaning his head back. Octavia scooted over and snuggled into his side, falling back asleep.

After lunch, Lincoln took a shower and walked out to Octavia who was doing the dishes. "Hey, you didn't have to do that." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Yeah, well I like to clean. It keeps me busy." She smiled, spinning to face him and put her arms around his waist. "Mhm. Well I'm gonna bring Anna out for a bit. And I'll see you later? Maybe we can go to a movie?" He suggested. "Ooo ya." Octavia nodded in agreement. "Ok. I'll text you later. There's food in the fridge. Eat it please! Love you!" He leaned in, kissing her quickly and then grabbed his keys and ran out the door.
"So Anna Banana. You like your ice cream?" Lincoln asked sitting in front of the parlour shop with his niece as they eat their ice cream. "Mhm." She hummed licking her cone. "I'm sorry I had to leave the other day, I had to take care of some things." He said simply. "What things?" The tiny girl asked. Lincoln pressed at his lips and tilted his head. "Well, big people things." He said. "Im a big people." She smiled up at him with a giggle. Lincoln laughed a little and nodded. "Yeah you are a big people. And you've got ice cream all over your face." He pointed out and wiped her chin and cheeks with a napkin. "Is it the bad people? Mommy thinks the bad guys are back." She tells him,  eating her ice cream. "No. Don't worry about the bad guys.... but what did mommy say?" He asked, curious now. "Umm. She said If Lincoln doesn't get his shit together, those asshats will screw him over..." she repeated brokenly. He rose his eyebrow and covered his mouth. "Well I'm thinking she didn't say that to you.... how about we never repeat those words again ok?" He says and Anna nods.
"Tio." Anna looks up at him. "Hm?" He looked at her. "Are you a bad guy?" She asked and he frowned. "No... But I'm not exactly a good guy either. I try to be, but it's hard to be a good guy. I'm trying to protect everyone but If I do the wrong thing, someone gets hurt. I guess there are no good guys. Everyone does bad for good reasons." He stopped realizing he was talking to a 7 year old. "I get it. Life's hard." Anna finished her ice cream and nods. Lincoln laughs and playfully messes up her hair. "Ya ok kiddo. Let's go."

"Hey Anna, I have to run into my house and get mommy some papers you wanna wait here or come in." Lincoln asked looking over his shoulder in the car. "Mommy doesn't let me stay in the car alone." She huffed. "Right...ok it'll be fast let's go." Lincoln hopped out of the car and helped Anna out.
"Hey O." Lincoln smiled leaning in to kiss the Octavian cheek, she was sitting on the couch reading. Passing her quickly he then ran upstairs. "Hi—" she rose her eyebrow confused and then turned to Anna standing at the door. "Hey little munchkin. Did you have fun?" She asked closing her book. "Mhm." She nodded and then walked over to the couch and leaned against the side. "Are you a bad guy?" She asked. "A bad guy? Well I'd like to think I'm a good guy." Octavia laughed a little. "My Tio says there's no good guys. He said he tries to be the good guy but every time he does something good, someone gets hurt." Anna says, jumping up and down pulling herself against the couch all hyper.
"What?" Octavia frowned a little confused even more now But before the seven year old could say any more Lincoln came skipping down the stairs. "Okay! Ready Anna. Let's go. I'll be back O." Lincoln took her hand and walked out. Octavia pressed at her lips, watching them leave and let out a little breath.

Lincoln buckled Anna in and got in himself before starting the car. "What were you and Octavia talking about?" He asked looking back at her in his mirror. "Nothing." Anna shrugs. "Mkay. Well thanks for getting ice cream with me today Banana."

"What do you say Anna." Lexa nudges her. "Thank you!" She hugs him. "Thank you." Lincoln replied and hugged her back and then she ran off. "Thanks Linc." Lexa smiled gratefully. "It was fun, she was good." Lincoln nods. "you'd be surprised. She's quite the parrot." Lincoln smirks crossing his arms a little. "What?" Lexa furrowed her eyebrows confused. "Lincoln better get his shit together before those asshats screw him over? I believe she said." Lincoln nodded. "Oh shit." Lexa bites her cheek. "That means nothing." She crosses her arms too. "Yeah...Why do you think they're back?" He asked, curious if they had reached out to her. "I don't know. Just the other day. You left. I just get nervous Lincoln. You know what they do." Lexa speaks quietly shrugging. "calm down. They aren't. Ok I haven't been involved in years." He tells her, wishing it was true, but the last thing he wanted to do was worry her. "Okay." She let out a sigh and nodded. "I trust you." She whispers and then gives him a hug.

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