Chapter 44

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     It was Tuesday, the kids were at school and Lincoln and Octavia were at work. Octavia got a call from the elementary school saying Jayden was sick. She calls Lincoln and asks him to pick Jayden up.

    Lincoln walks over to the front desk. "Hey jaha i have to go. I'm sorry my sons sick and I need to pick him up from school." He says. Jaha raises his eyebrow staring down at his paperwork and nods. "Alright Mr. Woods." He says unimpressed.

    Lincoln drives over to the school and picks up Jayden. He's laying in the back of the car. "You ok buddy? We're almost home." He tells him. Jayden nods.

     They get home and Lincoln brings Jayden to the couch setting him down. "You want me to make you some soup?" He asks. "Yes please." Jayden shakes his head. "Ok." Lincoln turns on the tv and walks to the kitchen.

    He walks back over to Jayden and places a bowl of soup on the table and hands him some medicine. "Try and eat a little." Lincoln tells him. "Ok. Thank you."

     Jayden fell asleep after eating his soup and Lincoln cleaned up a bit before Octavia and Julianna got home. Lincoln was sitting on the couch beside Jayden playing X-box when the girls walked in. "Hey." Octavia walks over whispering. "Hey how was work?" He asks. "Good. How's Jay?" She walks over and strokes his hair. "Good, his fever went down. He's been sleeping since 2." Lincoln says. Julianna walks over. "Hey Jules how was school?" Lincoln asks. "Good. I'm going to do my homework." She says and runs upstairs.

   Lincoln starts making supper and Octavia runs to the pharmacy to get some stuff. Jayden wakes up and walks over to the kitchen. "Hey Jay, how you feeling?" Lincoln asks. "Better." He smiles. "That's good. Suppers almost ready, do you want to help set the table?" He asks. Jayden nods and helps. Octavia gets home and calls Julianna down. They all eat and help with the dishes when they are finished.

       "Jayden can you go take a shower please." Octavia asks walking upstairs. He follows her upstairs and she puts the water on for him. "I'm going to the park." Julianna yells and walks to the door. Lincoln walks over to her. "Be home at 8." He says. "Ugh 8 really? What about 9." She smiles at him. "8:05" he frowns. "What?! 8:45" she crosses her arms. "8:15" He looks at her. "8:30... please." She smiles innocently. "Fine." He sighs. "8:30 on the dot." He tells her. "And go get a sweater." He says. 

    Octavia and Lincoln are on the couch watching tv. "Were is Julianna?" Octavia looks up at him. "Umm." He grabs his phone checking the time. "She should be home" Just as he says that the door flys open and then it shuts. "8:30!" She yells and the runs up the stairs. "Woah Come here!" Octavia sits up. "I'm going to take a shower." Julianna says from the stairs. "Well come say goodnight." Lincoln says. She slowly walks over hugging her sweater. "Goodnight." She hugs Octavia and then Lincoln.

     As soon and Lincoln hugs her, he sees her neck. "What's this." He sits up. She backs away and moves her hair. "Nothing." She says. "What?" Octavia looks at Lincoln. "Julianna take off the sweater." Lincoln says. "No I'm cold and tired I just want to go to sleep."  She says crossing her arms. "Julianna" He stands up. "Okay okay." She takes off the sweater. He walks over to her and moves her hair revealing a hickey. Lincoln shakes his head. Octavia gasps and jumps up walking over. "Is that real?" She asks. "Yes." She says. Lincoln turns around thinking of what to say. "So I let you go out later and you run around the streets playing with boys?!" Lincoln looks at her. Julianna just stands there. "Who was It anyways?" Lincoln asks. "Just a guy." Julianna mumbles. "Ya just a guy.. Julianna you're better than this! You shouldn't even be kissing boys. You know what go to bed I don't want to talk to you." He says. She starts crying and runs upstairs. "Lincoln!" Octavia scowls at him. "What?! She's 15 Octavia! She's hanging out with boys who she's kissing and they are giving her hickeys?!" He looks at her. "Ok first of all you let her go out. And second it's 1 hickey. And she's 15 not 5. Ok no she shouldn't have done what she did or let it happen... she shouldn't be alone with random guys we don't know but we all make mistakes. Don't you think you were a little hard on her." She questions. "No! I don't. She's my daughter, my responsibility, what if it was more than kissing. I'm upset." He says and passes her walking upstairs. Octavia sighs and walks up to Julianna's room. Julianna's sitting at her desk in her pyjamas trying to cover the hickey as tears run down her face. Octavia walks in and over to her with a cup. "hey, hey." She kneels down and wipes her tears away. "It's ok. Look" she takes a peice of ice and gently places it on her neck. "He hates me." She whispers. "Honey. No he doesn't he loves you so much. But he is your dad. He doesn't want you to get hurt, you know it's hard for him to see you grow up. You were his baby girl. His little princess. You're the baby monkey. He just doesn't want you to grow up too fast." She tells her. "But it's not your fault. Ok he'll get over it and eventually he will accept it. But I don't blame him so please don't rush into growing up." She tells her and she nods. Octavia pulls the ice away. "There all gone. See I'm not just old. I was your age once too. Im a cool mom! You can tell me anything." She smiles. Julianna giggles and nods. "Thank you." She says. Octavia hugs her and kisses her cheek. "I love you." Octavia tells her. "I love you more." Julianna says. "Imposible."

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