Chapter 32

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Octavia was standing outside with Khloe waiting for Julianna to get off the bus. It was Friday and everyone was anxious for the weekend. The bus arrived and Julianna walked off smiling and ran over to Khloe hugging her. "Hey Jules, how was your day?" Octavia asks. "Good." She hugs her.

They walk back holding hands and when they get inside, Julianna takes off her shoes and walks outside in the backyard. She walks over and sits on the couch with her school bag and takes out her crayons and paper. Octavia walks to the kitchen cleaning her lunch containers and smiles watching her from the window.

    Octavia's phone rings and she reaches over and sees Lincolns name. "Hey." She answers smiling. "Hey, How was your day?" Lincoln asks. "Good, I think I found a job to apply for." Octavia tells him drying the counters. "Ohh really? That's great! What is it?" He asks. "Well I was looking for something like banking or accounting and I found an interview for an accountant." She tells him. "That's amazing O! I think that's a great job." He tells her. "Yeah, Thanks... so did you call for something?" She asks. "Oh yes I did. I think Niylah and Anna are gonna stop by for supper tonight that ok?" He asks. "Yes that's great! We can order pizza for the girls." Octavia says. "Ok I'll try to be home before 7." Lincoln says. "It's ok, take your time..." Octavia tells him as her smile fades. "I love you." He says. "Love you too, see ya later." She says and hangs up.

      A little while later, Niylah and Annabelle knock on the door. "Come in!!" Octavia yells from the kitchen. "Heyy!" Niylah says walking over and placing a bottle of wine on the counter. "Hey guys! Anna, Jules is in the back yard." She tells her. Annabelle walks outside and sits with Julianna.

     "So what's new!" Octavia turns to Niylah. "Not much, same old. You?" She asks. "Same. I've been looking for a job, I think I found one in accounting. I'm going for an interview Monday." Octavia tells her. "That's great!" Niylah exclaims. "I know. I feel so bad with no job, making Lincoln pay for everything." Octavia frowns. "Don't be. This is like his dream. He loves taking care of you two. He will always do everything and more to protect his family." Niylah say. "I know." She says. "Where is he?" Niylah asks. "Working." She sighs. "He's always working. I barley saw him the whole week. It's like. He wakes up early leaves. Comes home late and we go to sleep." Octavia says leaning agama into the counter. Niylah reaches her arm out to comfort her. "Don't worry. Work will calm down. It's just fire season I guess." She laughs.

The pizza arrives and Niylah walks outside. "Girls! Pizzas here. Come inside and eat." She yells. The girls come running in, Anna sits down at the table and Niylah places two apple juices down. "When is daddy coming home." Julianna mumbles walking over to Octavia and leans her head against her back. "I'm not sure, later." She tells her and turns to face her. "So sit with Annabelle, your pizzas gonna get cold." She tells her and pushes her to the table.

Octavia walks over to Niylah and takes a sip of her wine. "Mmm daddy?" Niylah smiles. "I know..." Octavia laughs and spins her glass. "She asked him the other day if she could call him that." Octavia looks up at her. "Wow, you guys really are a cute family." Niylah says. "You are a part of our family." Octavia tells her. Niylah smiles and looks at the girls. "You guys should have another one." She says. "Woah a kid?" Octavia raises her eyebrow. "Yeah, you're young, you guys have a huge house plenty of rooms to fill. Julianna would be a great big sister and Anna want more cousins. She loves babies, she could be your babysitter." Niylah laughs. "I don't know, I mean yeah, I would love for Julianna to have a baby brother or sister." Octavia smiles watching her. "But??" Niylah looks at her. "I don't know how Lincoln feels." Octavia says fiddling with her necklace. "Talk, you guys need to talk. But I vote yes." She smiles.

     The girls finish eating and run upstairs. Octavia takes the plates and Niylah cleans the table. "Can we go swimming?" Julianna yells from the top of the stairs looking down in the kitchen. "Yeah sure, mmm Anna did you bring your bathing suit?" Octavia walks over and looks up at them. "Yes." She answers and then they run back to Julianna's room to change.

       Niylah and Octavia sit outside in the patio watching the girls swim. Julianna comes out of the water and over to them. "Can I take my floaties off." Julianna asks. "No Jules its deep and you can't touch." Octavia tells her. "Pleaseeeeeee" she pouts. "I can hold her." Anna swims up to the edge of the pool. "Ok but don't go in the deep end." Octavia tells them. "Ok." Julianna pulls off her floaties and walks back over to the pool. "Annabelle watch her, she can't swim." Niylah warns her. "I know I know." Anna says and holds Julianna in the shallow part.

     Lincoln walks into the back yard over to Octavia and Niylah. "Hellooo." He smiles. "Hey Old man where were you?!" Niylah asks. "Workinggggg." Lincoln sighs. "How was your day?" Octavia looks up at Lincoln. "Pretty good." He says and sits down beside her. "That's good." She smiles. Lincoln smiles back and kisses her quickly. Niylah smiles and looks back at the girls. Lincoln looks at the girls as well. "She has no floaties onnnn." Lincoln says. "I know, Annabelle's watching her don't worry." Octavia tells him.

      The girls got out of the pool and ran over to the patio. "Here here towels!" Lincoln hands them both a towel and wraps them up hugging and kissing them. He sits them each on one knee. "So how was school?" He looks at them. "Good." Anna answers. "And youu lil monkey?" He tickles Julianna's tummy. "Good!" She giggles. "Ok you guys can go play now." He puts them down and they run off to the grass.

   After Niylah and Anna left, around 9pm. Octavia got Juliann ready for bed. "Ok go say goodnight to daddy." Octavia tells her sitting on the edge of her bed. Julianna hops off her bed and runs to the kitchen. "Goodnight!!!" She screams. "Woah woah woah lil munchkin." Lincoln turns around and picks her up. "You going to bed." He asks. She nods. "Alright. Goodnight baby girl. I love you." He kisses her cheek and puts her back down.

Octavia tucks julianna in and kisses her goodnight before walking out of her room. She looks around and sees Lincoln cleaning up outside. She goes outside and starts helping him put all the pool toys away. "Careful." Lincoln crosses her path purposely. Octavia moves over and let's him pass. He walks back over to her and blocks her again. "Seriously?" She raises her eyebrows? "What?" Lincoln looks at her innocently. She lets out a laugh and rolls her eyes. "Did you just.... roll your eyes at me?" Lincoln looks at her. Octavia shakes her head and goes to pass him. "Hmm." Lincoln pushes her into the pool. Octavia screams and goes flying in the pool with her closes on. "WHAT THE FUCK LINCOLN?!" She yells spitting out the water. He looks at her and laughs. "You think this is funny?" She raises her eyebrow. "Lil bit." He laughs. "Help me out asshole." She goes to the side. Lincoln reaches his hand out to help her and she pulls him in. Octavia laughs and waits for him to come up from under the water. "Haha so funny." He wipes his face. "I know." She smirks and swims into his arms. Lincoln kisses her and chuckles.

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